Chapter 21

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Christmas Time [Jacky's P.O.V]

It was that time of the year. Christmas. My plan was that Ronnie was gonna have a Christmas party for all of us. Me, Ryan, Ron and Derek with our girlfriends. To watch movies, drink hot cocca, and exchange our gifts to eachother.

Victoria's birthday was earlier this month. I gave her a small gift but her real gift was to propose to her. I decided that it was really a perfect time of the year and plus Vicky loves the snow. It's gonna be perfect.

We arrived there and Crissy went out and hugged the both of us and bring us inside their warm home. Everyone was already there and Ronnie was gonna video tape it so I can send it to my parents. Victoria had picked out matching Christmas sweaters and there not bad looking.

In 3 hours before midnight, we were dancing to Christmas music. Ron and Haley were enjoying their selves. As well for Derek & Christina and Ryan & Jenn.

I brought hot chocolate for Victoria while she was looking out the window. "Here love to warm you up." She smiles and take the cup. "Thanks babe." I sat next to her so we both can get warmth. I looked into my pocket were the ring was. Only 2 and half hours to go.

[Victoria's P.O.V]

Everyone was exchanging their gifts. Ronnie gave Crissy a new silver diamond necklace with their intials engaved to it. Crissy gave Ronnie Dr Dre Beats headphones. Ron gave Haley new clothes for her to wear when she goes on tour with BOTDF. Haley did a drawing of her and Ron.

Derek gave Christina a new set of jewerly and a $50 gift card for shopping. Christina gave Derek a new leather jacket. Jenn had given Ryan new drumsticks and Ryan has plane tickets to go to Hawaii for their next anniversary.

What I did is I brought a mini style life model of Jack Skellington with Sally and it gonna get here in a few days. Jacky was confused when I gave himn a piece of papaer but got excited to know whats he's getting. "This is amazing babe it must of costed you alot." He said. "Not really. Special deals on that website since it's the holidays. So where's my gift?" I asked in excitement.

"I'll give it to you soon.Real soon" He said and I gave him a little pout. I don't like waiting for my gifts but if it's from Jacky then it must be good.

A couple of hours later and it was 11:43pm. Jacky told me to follow him outside to the backyard. We went to the backyard and I thought I was in heaven. The backyard was full of snow and little ice crystals from the trees. It may be cold but I didn't care.

I was admiring the snow until I felt snow hitting my body. I screamed from the coldness and looked at Jacky who was laughing. I made a snowball and threw it at him. We both started a snow fall fight and everyone went outside to join. Everyone was getting hit with snowballs.

[Jacky's P.O.V] 

I went to the side to see the time. It was 11:57pm. Almost time. I signalled Ronnie and he went inside to get his camera. Everyone was getting tired and went inside. Victoria got confused but I went to her. I looked at the time one last time and it was midnight. Now here I go.

"What is it Jacky? Why are we still outside?" She asks. "Victoria I have something to say. For the past year, it has to be the greatest time of my life. Ever since I met you on the tour you started working as the merch girl. I had to know you. I'm glad I did. Even though we had some trouble with Crystal, the self harming accident, and your sister almost sending you to the hospital. I'm glad I got to meet someone like you whose eyes has so much wonder. I want more of that. I want you to be by my side when I'm performing on stage or at home. I need you, I can't leave without you. So Victoria Winters." He says as he's getting on one knee. She gasps and starts to cry.

"Will you marry me and become Mrs. Victoria Vincent?" I asked. The silence was killing me. Victoria had tears in her eye. "Yes, Yes I will Jacky Vincent! I will marry you!" She says as she kisses me. Everyone was cheering as I put the ring in her finger. I hugged her as she was crying. 

I took her inside to the warm house and dried her tears. She kissed me once more. "The ring is beautiful Jacky. I love it." I smile. "Your welcome love and that was your Christmas gift." "Now we have to start planning for the wedding." "Yep and I want to to be as soon as possible." She smiles again. "I have to tell you something Jacky. It's kind of hard to say but I'm pregnant."

I was shocked by her words. She thought I didn't want to know that but I grabbed her face and pulled her into a passionate kiss. She kisses back and pulls away. "Love this is perfect. We're getting married and now you're having our kid! I have to be the luckiest guy in the world." "Want to say it for the others?" "Yes." I say. I got everyone attention to tell them some news.

"Now that we're engaged, we have other news as well. Victoria is pregnant!" I swear after I said that everygirl ran up to her to congradulate us and giving her hug and the guys patted my back. I can offically say this is the best day of my life.

We left Ronnie and Crissy's house to go to ours. Vicky was holding on  to my hand while I was carefully driving. "I Love You Jacky." she says and I said it to her back. "And I Love You Victoria." We were almost there and made it to our driveway in one peace.

We went inside and went straight to bed. I hold on to her by her waist and fell asleep.

Our love is a dream come true.


Hi guys! <3

Okay i'm a sucker for these things and I can't help myself. They're engaged <3

Feedback and I'll see what I can write next. Also check out my profile to my other fanfiction which is an Ashley Purdy love story for anyone who's interested. I need feedback on it <3

Vote and Comment! <3


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