Chapter 20

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One Year Later [Victoria's P.O.V] 

Jacky and I made it to our first year anniversary as a couple. It was one of the best nights of my life. Jacky made reservations at my favorite resturant in town. The dinner was fantastic. After the dinner we went to a nearby beach just to walk around. I took off my heels and walked barefooted. The moon shined in the water just making the area more beautiful. 

"Together and Forever" Jacky said and leaning in. "Together and Forever" i said as I kissed him. A kiss to end that wonderful night.

The Next Morning

Jacky and the rest of Falling In Reverse were in the studio recording some new songs. Crissy asked me to come over to her and Ronnie's place to help her take care of Willow.

Once I got there, I noticed their were two little girls watching television. Crissy said they're her nieces coming over for today. I smiled and followed Crissy to what she needed. Willow was sleeping in her crib and Crissy must of been folding her clothes and I helped out a bit on that. 

Then Willow started crying. Crissy got to here and asked me to get a diaper from the shelf. I grabbed one and baby powder in case. Crissy changed Willow and she stopped crying.

"It must be easy to take care of a baby." I said. She smiled and said "It get easy and hard depends what she wants. I swear ever since she was born it changed my life and Ronnie's." "I know. I'm so glad that you guys are soul mates and made a beautiful little girl together. She's gonna grow up and be just like her daddy or mommy." Crissy smiles at my compliment.

I went back to the living room where the two girls were watching some cartoon. I sat down on the couch near them and check my Twitter. Many fans were asking me if me and Jacky are gonna get married anytime soon. I blushed and answer answer them.

@Victoria_Winters: Maybe soon :) @(randomfantwittername) 

That tweet had gotten retweets and favs after a second I posted it. I smiled and continued going through Twitter than I check my Instagram incase of any likes. Crissy called me and I put my phone away and ran into the room she was in.

[Jacky's P.O.V]

The band has finished recording and Ronnie tooke my to some jewerly shops to see what kind of ring I can give to Victoria when I propose. I was thinking to propose to her the only problem is when. In a holiday? At a fancy dinner? With all of our friends here? I simply do not know. 

The owner of the jewerly store showed us a ring that has Victoria's birthstone of it. I thought that was perfect for her. I told the guy I would buy it and Ronnie helped me pay for it too.

"I know the perfect day you can propose to her. On Christmas! I can throw a party and you can proposed outside in the snow to make the enviroment more romantic." "That's not a bad idea. I'll proposed to her at midnight on Christmas Day. Might take a while but it will be worth it."

Ronnie agreed with my idea and we both walked out of the store. I told Ronnie to hold on to the ring for now until I find a place to hide it. We both made it to Ronnie's house and we see them doing the little girls hairs making a cute hairstyle.

Vicky got up and gave me a hug. "I missed you" she said and I answered her back. "We're gonna go now guys. See you soon." I said as I walked out with Victoria to my car. We entered the car and I drived down the road to our house.

We made it and I opened the door to let her in. Lydia was meowing as Victoria grabbed her from her spot as I get her some more cat food for her tonight. 

Victoria ordered takeout from some paper that the mailman leaves at our door. I thought some of the food from the menu looked good and Vicky agrees. In half an hour later, our food was here and I payed the order.

Vicky had finished taking a shower and put one of my shirts which goes down to her legs. "My shirt?" I asked and she cuddles with it. "I just love wearing your shirts, they smell like you." She said and I give her the food she ordered. I turned on Netflix and put Dark Shadows on. We stayed on the couch almost all night untl Victoria slept on my chest.

I turned off the tv and carry Vicky bridal style to the bedroom and gently put her on the bed. I turned off the light from the nightstand and wrapped my arm around her waist. I kissed her cheek and went to sleep.


Surprise Surprise! Chapter 20 is here! :3

More things to come so give me feedback! Vote and Comment for Chapter 21. <3


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