Chapter 18

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[Jacky's P.O.V] The Last Show Of The Tour.

Tonight was the last show to end this tour. For 3 months, we did amazing shows, meet and greets for fans who said we saved their lives and I was proud of them to stop their addictions. Most of them were young and had a long life ahead of them. I was proud of Ronie, Ryan, Derek, Ron and myself with the crew to make this possible.

I was praticing the tone of the guitar while Victoria was watching me. My fingers were going fast. It amazed her of how fast I was going. My wrist hurts a bit from the tattoo Victoria and I got a couple of days ago but I manage. It was a small letter font of the words "I Love You" with our intinals under it. I thought it was pretty neat.

I finished my guitar shredding and Victoria just clapped. "I am just amazed on how you can move your fingers like that. You have to teach me how to play guitar." She smiled and did the puppy eyes on me. I grinned and wrapped my arm around her shoulder to bring her closer. "Of course I will teach you love." I said that and kissed her temple. 

Ronnie came in and had to ruin our moment. "Hey cut it down you two, I got my eyes on you. Oh and Jacky shows starts in an hour and a half so get your lazy butt up." Ronnie says and he leaves the room. Ronnie had to act like a dad around us even though he is a dad...? Not my dad that's for sure

I got up and went to take a quick shower as Victoria help some of the tech guys on the equipment.

[Victoria's P.O.V]

Jacky went to take a shower so he can feel fresh before show starts. I helped out the guys since the merch table was already set up. Another surprise was that Ronnie brought Charlie along! I was so excited even though I was more like a cat person. I had to take care of Charlie so he doesn't distract Ronnie so much.

I walked Charlie around so he doesn't have to feel to bored and so I can get fresh air. It could about 20 mintues then Ronnie had to put Charlie in the bus. I walked back inside and took a look of the stage. Fans were cheering and waiting excitedly as for Falling In Reverse were about to play. I grinned to myself.

"Boo" a soft voice said to my ears. I got scared for a bit and turned around to know it was from Jacky. "Got you." He chuckled a bit, "Act you age Mr. Vincent." I say in my sarcastic tone. "Well I acted my age a couple of nights ago~ Remembered that?" He smirked as I blushed.

"Can I get my 'good luck on stage' kiss?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around me. "You're so lucky that you're cute and funny" I said as I kissed him. We kept going until the tour manager told us to stop cause Jacky need to go on stage. I pecked his lip and he ran off.

As they started to play Fashionably Late, I was watching them from the side stage. They always did an amazing job. Ryan with his drumming, Ron playing his bass, Derek and Jacky on the guitar playing their souls out, and Ronnie for singing till his heart can't take no more. Those guys were amazing and I'm so glad I could work and be friends with them.

 After Ronnie finished Sink Or Swim, he wanted to bring someone on stage to sing I'm Not A Vampire with him. Fans were erupting the place with screams and cheer as Ronnie teastly trying to pick out a fan.

Then Ronnie looked at me and screamed me name for the crowd could hear. I wanted to hide but I can't move my legs. "Come on Vicky, you know you want to!" Ronnie said in a singing tone. "No way Radke!" i said and laughed.

Then Ron putted down his bass and ran to the side stage where I was. He grabbed my arm and tried to pull me on stage. I laughed and tried to stay back here. Then Ron grabbed my waist and put me on his shoulders to carry me on stage. I tried to scream but I can't stop laughing.

He put me down next to Ronnie and I was glaring at him. Ronnie laughed and signalled Ryan to start playing I'm Not A Vampire. Ronnie started signing and I sang after him. This was a very fun night.

After the show finished, I ran back to the merch table as fangirl want some merch to buy. Some recogzined me from on stage eariler and said I was a good singer, I smiled and thanked them.

Once everyone had what they wanted and went to see the band. I went to pack everything up. Once I was done, I went outside to see that some fangirls went paying attention to Charlie and not to Ronnie. That was a funny thing to see. 

I was walking towards the bus and see Jacky was inside. I ran and hugged him."You did an amazing show babe." I said to him. He smiled and said "You were not bad yourself." I grabbed his hand as we walked toward the bunk area, packing up our belongings.

"Soon we're gonna be together in our own place. Living together, and maybe in the near future start a family together." He said. I smiled. "Yeah, I would want you to be the father to my kids. But right now, let enjoy our time since we're both young. Maybe in the next 3-5 years we could have a kid or two." I told him and he smiled with a big grin.

"Let's go to sleep love, cause we need to wake up early to go home." "Alright babe." I said as we changed to our pjs and went to Jacky's bunk. I kissed him goodnight as we wen to sleep.

Tomorrow was gonna be the start of our new lives.


Hello lovelys!

I'm sorry I didn't update much into the story yesterday. But I was celebrating my sister's birthday with my family and with Mel ( @BloodSapphire ) and we watched Grown Ups 2. It was worth it that waiting two hours for a bowling game.

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