Chapter 10

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A Few Days Later [Jacky's P.O.V]

I was fixing a bit of my bunk cause it looked realy messy. I haven't talked to Victoria in a couple of days and it was killing me. Also what made it worst was that blonde chick groupie keep trying to get my attention for the last 3 shows. What was her name? Oh yeah Crystal. Man was she annoying.

Also what I noticed is that everytime Crystal kept talking to me, Victoria has a worried/sad look and it breaks my heart everytime. It was obvious that she doesn't trust Crystal. I wish it meant something more.

When I finished, I walked to the front area of the bus and no one was here. Ronnie told me that he was getting food with the others. Also meaning our tour manager. I went to get a bottle of water until someone knocked on the door. Who the hell would knock?

I opened the door and see...Crystal. "Hi Jackyyyy~" she says in her high pitched voice which makes me sick. "Hi Crystal" I softly said. She just walks by me and says "Nice tourbus you got here." "Um thanks..." then there was silence and with Crystal staring at me was not making it better. 

Then I broke the silence. "Um Crystal? Have you seen Victoria anywhere?" Her expression changed from happy to becoming a bitch. "Why do you care about that fag? She doesn't care about you Jacky." I was shocked with her words. How dare she told me those lies and called her a fag? 

"That's not true." Then she interrupts me. "But it is Mr. Vincent. I've known Victoria for a long amount of time. You see, she doesn't care about you,or Ronnie,or the whole Falling In Reverse including the fans. She's just here to make money and become a little famous merch girl.Also she hates the fans more than anything."

Her words still shocked me enought to break my own little fragile heart. Was she saying the truth? I didn't want to believe it. She looks at me with her little smirk. "Oh Jacky~ I'm sure you had "feelings" for Victoria but let me tell you it's not worth it. She's not who you think she is. So don't waste your time becoming friends with that little witch."

I still didn't want to believe it. This can't be the Victoria i know. Vicky is so sweet and nice.She also cares for the rest of us and the fans. But Crystal says she "known" Vicky for years. That I wish she didn't say. I backed up and sat in the couch. I sighed and hold my head with my hands. Why does it hurt so much?

Crystal comes by and sat down next to me trying to "comfort" me. "It's okay Jacky. I have to tell you now or you will get hurt later and I can't see you get hurt." She puts her hand on my chin and lifts up my head to see her brown eyes. "To tell you the truth, I could do so much better than her..." She closely leans forward and closes her eyes.

What the hell was she doing?


And i'm stopping it right here. Shit gonna get real guys. Seriously. O_O

Also it hurts me to hurt Jacky's heart. Can I not??? ;~;

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