Chapter 12

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[Jacky's P.O.V]

For almost 20 minutes I've been looking for Victoria. So far I searched through like 6 doors and nothing! I was getting frustrated and nervous at the same time. Another thing I tried is calling Victoria but it goes straight to voicemail.

I ran through a hallways until I almost slipped on something wet. I look down on my shoe and noticed that the water was red. Blood red. Is Victoria in the bathroom? I tried to open the door but it was locked. I knocked on the door. "Victoria??!!?! ARE YOU IN THERE??!! OPEN THE DOOR!" 

[Victoria's P.O.V]

I opened my eyes as I heard knocking on the door. "Victoria??!?! ARE YOU IN THERE??!! OPEN THE DOOR!" It was Jacky! Oh no. I tried to get up but I was very weak. Blood was everywhere in the bathroom. I tried getting up again by holding onto the counter of the sink and it worked. 

Every second that passes by, I get dizzier and weakier. I can't keep my eyes open. Jacky was still pounding on the door and I hear more voices."Jacky is she in there?" "Yeah she is but it locked from the other side!" "Hold on I'll get this door open." 

I wanted to scream but my voice was stuck in my throat. All I took was one step forward and I fell backward. Everything was getting fuzzy and I can't breathe normally. click. Then the door open to a very scared Jacky,Ryan, and Ronnie. 

Both Jacky and Ryan came next to me. Jacky was holding me into his arms while Ryan was trying to hold the blood from my wrist. Ronnie was dialing 911 and tell them that there's an emergency.

"Victoria please keep your eyes open! Please Victoria!" Jacky said and he sounds like he's been crying. "J-JJackyy..." I try to say but my throat hurts, "Vicky why do you do this to yourself? You're too precious and amazing to be harming yourself in any way." 

"Hey Jacky Ryan, the paramedics are on their way." Ronnie inform us. Jacky nodded and Ryan tied down a rag he found to hold the blood. 

In less than 10 mintues, the paramedics arrived and put me into the stretcher and took me inside the ambulance. I was dizzy to know what was going on. I wanted to close my eyes but I can't.

[Jacky P.O.V]

As the paramedics rushed Victoria inside the ambulance, I tried to get in but one of them stopped me. "Sir only close relatives can go in. Are you in any relations with her?" "Yes, I'm her..." Then I whispered "Boyfriend..." The lady nodded and let in.I sat near Victoria as I almost cried at her apperance.

I hold her hand as the paramedics tried all their best to make sure she doesn't die on the spot. She looked so pale, paler than usual and it breakes my heart. "Victoria" I whispered. I try to keep my voice as low as possible.

"Victoria, I wish I told this before. I wanted to say this but-" I got inturrpted as a paramedic said that we arrived at the hospital. They both got off, safely pulled the stretcher  that Victoria was in and rushed inside into the emergency room where doctors and nurses got her full attention.

A nurse told me to wait in the waiting room. I did what she told and sat at one of the chairs. I tried my best to wait but it took forever.

In less than an hour, a nurse who assisited Victoria tolded me that she's alright and she's resting but I can't see her yet. I nodded and texted Ronnie that she will be okay. He texted that the guys will be there in a bit.

Soon everyone made it to the hospital and a nurse told us only one visit at a time. Ron said that I should go first and I follwed the nurse down the hall.

When we made it to the room, I went inside and I wanted to cry again. She was just laying there with wired connecting from machines into her body. I pulled up and chair and hold her hand. She struggled and opened her eyes.

"Jacky? Is that you?" "Yeah Vicky it's me. Please don't do what you did ever again." "I wish I could but I deserved to." "No you don't. Please Vicky I don't want to loose you" "But I thought you hate me from what Crystal said." "And I don't care. I knew all those things can't be true. I know who you are Victoria and no one is gonna change that." I did a small smile after that statement.

"Also Vicky can I try something?" "Sure Jacky." I got up and stand over Victoria's bed. I softly grabbed her face and kiss her as gentle as possible. She closed her eyes and kissed back. After a few mintues I broke off the kiss and looked into her eyes.

"I love you Victoria ever since I first saw you." "I love you too Jacky"


Awwwww they finally kissed :3 Since i'm so nice I decided to do another chapter today. <3

I love some feedback so Vote and Comment for Chapter 13 and it's not over yet~ :3

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