Chapter 14

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[Victoria's P.O.V]

Ever since I got out of the hospital. Things got from bad to better. Somehow fans knew what happened about me and my problem with Crystal and said I was an inspiration to them. They say it everywhere on my Twiiter and to my face. I love it.

Also fans find out about my relationship with Jacky. Thanks to a sneaky Ronnie taking a picture of us and posting it on his Instagram and Twitter. The fans went nuts. The majority of them thought that we looked cute together. Some didn't like it but I didn't care. What matters to me is I have Jacky with me.

I was sitting in the tourbus with Crissy waiting for the guys to come back. Crissy decided to stop by and see her man in action and she even brought Willow! I was helping her taking care of her. 

A few hours later, Crissy and I were watching WipeOut on the television while baby Willow was sleeping in Ronnie's bed. We heard laughter as the guys entered the bus and we told them to keep it quiet. They got quiet fast.

Ronnie went to the back with Crissy to check up on Willow. Derek and Ryan were talking with the bus driver to their next location. Ron was looking something at Instagram.

Jacky came by, kissed my cheek and sat down next to me. "Hi beautiful" I blushed at his comment. I hear Derek, Ryan, and Ron awwww's in the background. "Oh grow up guys." I said and giggled.

Jacky wrapped his arm over my shoulder as I snuggled into his chest. Then I noticed my phone was ringing. It was my sister calling me. I quickly got up away from Jacky so he can't hear any of this.

I answered the phone."Hello?" "Victoria? Hey girl!" "Why are you calling me Tatiana? I spefically told you,mom, and dad to never fucking talk to me again when I left. Why the fuck are you calling me?" I shouted in a whispered voice. I noticed that Jacky looked at me in a surprised/worried look.

"Come on that was ages ago. You really need to let it go. Mom and Dad regret that they hurted you and they missed you so much." Lies. Those are fucking lies. "And besides maybe it is nice to talk to you again." She said in that annoying voice.

"Well newsflash Tatiana, I don't want to talk to you or Mom or fucking Dad cause you guys made my life miserable and I'm glad I left. So you can tell them they can "regret" all they want but I'm never coming back and you can't make me~" I said and hunged up.

I walked back and sighed. Jacky was still looking at me. "You okay love?" "Yeah, just someone I didn't want to talk to." I sat down and cuddled into Jacky's chest as he wrapped his arm around me. I smiled.

She better not ruin anything for me.


Chapter 14 is complete! C: I just figured to add more until I can conclude this story but it's not over yet~ ;3

Feedback would be nice so Vote and Comment for Chapter 15~ <3

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