Chapter 13

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[Victoria's P.O.V]

A few hours passed as I arrived the hospital after that dramatic scene. For the frist time in my life, people care about me. My parents never cared if something happened to me. They would have a party.Ever since I became Falling In Reverse's merch girl, I wouldn't want to give it up for anything in the world. 

After Jacky and I had our first kiss, he had to leave cause everyone else was here. I wish Jacky stayed with me though but he will be back. Ryan came in next, he tried to hug me even though he can, it doesn't hurt much. He kissed my cheek  and let Derek entered the room.

Derek admitted to me that he was scared that I wouldn't be alive. I kinda chuckled at his comment. We both talked for the last five minutes until he lefted. Ron came in, kissed my cheek, and talked to me on why I did this. I told him why and he listened to every word I said. He told me "I was a fighter." I smiled softly as he lefted.

Finally Ronnie came in, it looked like he was crying. He went next to me and hugged me.He even told Crissy about it. She was frightened of the news. I try not to cry that I broke my promise to Ronnie but it wasn't my fault. Ronnie sighed that he understood that Crystal made me harm again.

Another promise Ronnie made me do is throwing away my razors once I get back on the tourbus. I nodded yes and he had to leave cause of visiting hours. He hugged me one last time and lefted. The nurse closes the door and I went to sleep again.

A Few Days Later [Jacky's P.O.V] 

It's been 3 days that I came back to the hospital and visited Victoria again. Ronnie let me to know if she's okay and she's getting better each day.

We were in her room watching the not so funny comedy on the small television. But we didn't pay attention to that. We're having a good conversation and I was glad I finally get to kiss her.

"You know, you don't have to be here with me, Not that I hate it! I'm just saying you should be with the band and performing shows." She says. That could be true but I tell her this. "Well Ronnie cancelled a few shows so we don't have so much stress for what happened to you. He says once you come back, they will play shows again." "Oh okay. I feel bad for the fans though." "Ronnie will think of something."

Hours,minutes,seconds they passed by but I didn't care. I'm just glad that Victoria was alright and happy again. She keeps asking me questions about my life back in England. I smiled and told her.

"Well I was a very shy boy when I was little, but I did had a passion for playing the guitar. My parents didn't approve a first but then they allow it cause it makes me happy. So I basically played guitar all my life and I'm glad I did cause if I didn't, I would be homeless." She smiled and hold my hand. her hands were so soft and small compared to my hands.

She tries to sit up and I helped her a bit. I started to lean again but a nurse walked in and did a small cough. "I'm sorry to inturrpt the little love connection but Mrs. Winters, the doctors say you're healthy enough to go home today." She smiled as Victoria thanked her.

Victoria got up and changed to her old clothes from the other night. Once she was finished, She grabbed my hand and we both walked out of the hospital. I called our tour manager to come and pick us up. 

Once he camed by, we both entered his car and drove off where the tour bus was. The rest of the tour is gonna be amazing. No more cancelled shows, and I got the girl of my dreams by my side.

I hope it never ends.


Hey guys :3 Here's chapter 13! Awww Jacky's heart is fixed <3

There's more to come so give me some feedback! Vote and Comment for Chapter 14! :3

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