Chapter 22

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Epilogue [Victoria's P.O.V]

It's been 3 months since Jacky proposed to me infront of everyone and It still brings me to tears just remembering that memory. Falling In Reverse were recording and writing new songs.

Crissy came over to help me plan the wedding some more. Jacky and I are having a halloween theme wedding in October so that give us a good amount of time for everything. The colors are gonna be black, and orange for Halloween. My dress maybe black and so will be my veil.

This wedding is gonna be huge. Due to the fact that Jacky's parent are flying here from the UK makes me a bit more nervous. I have never met Jacky's parents before but he told them everything about me and he says that I sound like a sweet girl. That's a good start.

News about my sister Tatiana? Well nothing yet. I know she's going to court for almost murdering me and might have a few months in prison. All I know is that Ronnie hired a lawyer for me for my side of the story and Tatiana has hers. Court date is unknown yet but I'll be ready to bring her down once and for all.

Was I gonna tell my parents about the wedding? Fuck no. I would rather invite psycho killers than my own parents. With all the abuse they done to me. They're lucky I haven't bring that to the police but I don't want to do anything about them. Fuck them.

Jacky came home and so did the rest of Falling In Reverse. I went to give him a kiss and gave a hug to the others. I offered them drinks cause they're exhausted. Then I went to sit down in the couch next to Jacky until the doorbell rang.

Ronnie went to answer it and it was a unfamilar guy. "Um hello?" Ronnie said as the guys just stand there and staring at him. Next thing I know the mysterious guy hit Ronnie in his face to get him out of the way.

Everyone went up with eyes shocked. Crissy went to Ronnie to see if he's okay. Derek went to punch the guy but the man kick him right in the jaw. Ron started to fight the man but got defeated to quick. Ryan try to sneak up behind him but he must of noticed him and threw him to a table making it break.

Jacky got up and told me to run. The man and Jacky started to fight and right when Jacky was winning, the man punch him too hard to knock him out. I tried calling 911 to tell the police where was my address. I told them just in time before the man got rid of the phone.

"Who are you and why are you beating up my friends and my fiance???" I said and getting scared by the minute. "I'm here for a reason. But I'm not gonna tell you. I was paid for my job from someone very close to you." He got out a pocket knife. "Goodbye bitch." 

Then he stabbed me in my stomach and I screamed. Blood was running down my stomach as he threw me into the floor. Ronnie grabbed the guy away from me to beat him up. Jacky came by my side and tried to stop the blood. "Vicky? Who would do this to you?" I was losing my sight.

In less than second, the police arrived and arrested the man. Ronnie was explaining them everything that happened in this scene. The ambulance arrived and put me in the stroller to put me inside the ambulance to take me into the hospital. Everyone was going to the car and following the ambulance.

I already knew to would try to kill me. Oh boy how I want to murder her now. My eyes began to close but I whispered her name. "Tatiana.." after that I only saw darkness.


Now Strawberry Gashes is finished! I had to add a little something to make it dramatic.

Now i'm planning to due a sequel to Strawberry Gashes but not now since I'm writing and gonna published a story. Give me feedback and soon a sequel will come very soon.

Thanks for reading my first fanfiction. It was really fun writing and I'm glad so many people liked it, read it, and commented for more. You guys are amazing and I love you all.


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