Chapter 15

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The Next Night [Victoria's P.O.V]

Falling In Reverse were started doing shows again. The fans were already waiting in line since early this morning and you got to give crdeit to them. Ryan and Derek went out for the fans to give autographs before they need to go back inside.

I set up the merch table as Crissy was holding a box full of shirts. Then I started folding the shirts and piling up into their sizes. After I was finished, I helped Crissy with Willow so there won't be any problems.

Soon, Falling In Reverse went on stage and did an amazing job. The crowd went insane with screams and cheers, even I was cheering at the end. Once they finished and got off stage, Jacky gave me a hug even though he was sweaty. I unhugged him and went back to the merch table to attend any fans who want to buy something.

After every fan had what they needed, I picked up everything, put them back into boxes and went outside for some fresh air. I was enjoying the silence until I hear someone calling me and it wasn't Jacky or Ronnie. It was a very familiar voice.

"Oh my god Victoria is that you?" Oh no. "Tatiana?!?!" Yep it was my older sister. Her light brown hair which was perfectly straight was blowing in the wind. Her heels made an annoying "click" sound everytime she walks. The outfit she was wearing...I don't even want to talk about it.

"Oh Victoria I missed you so much!" She tried to hug me but I step aside. She got confused. "Why are you here?" "Oh just visiting you and want to know how you been doing since you left." I just rolled my eyes. Something's up

"So how did you know I was here?" "Oh I ran into your old friend Crystal! She said she was visiting you and told me you were touring with a band as a merch girl. That has be an awesome job." "Okay number one Crystal was never my friend to begin with. Number two I don't want to deal with your bullshit so leave." I said and started to walk away. Then Tatiana grabbed my arm to hold me back.

"Okay Victoria i know you must hate me and our parents, but we really do regret our mistake. After you ran away, our neighbors were yelling at us for the way we've been treating you and it really got to us. Mom tried everything to contact you but you keep changing your numbers. All I'm asking is to forgive us so we can live our lives in peace." She says as he voice starts cracking up. 

First I was like "Is she serious? Like I'm falling for that" But after she said all of that...I still don't believe her. Does she think I'm fucking stupid. Now my turn to shut her up.

"Look Tatiana, I don't know what are you trying to do and I don't care what you say next but hear me out. That's fucking bullshit. If Mom and Dad "regret" the pain and abuse they did to me, they both can come here and apologize in my fucking face. But if you think you can tell me your sob story and make me go back home. I'm not. I'm happy with my life right now and I don't need this. Also why do you care? You didn't make it any better by how you call me names and told me to cut. Goodbye Tatiana I'm done here and have a nice far away from me." I said as people cheered for me. They must of heard me.

Tatiana expression went from sad to enraged. Her hands went to a fist and brought it into my face. I fell backwards with a bleeding nose. People were running away while others were calling the police. I tried to get up but Tatiana pushed me down again and my head hit the ground hard. I thought I cracked my skull. Then Tatiana kicked me in my ribs and stomped on my stomach as I screamed. Someone help me...

Quickly, Ron and Derek ran outside and tried to hold Tatiana back so she can't hurt me. She screamed and tried to break free from their grips. Ronnie, Ryan and Jacky came out and saw what was happening. Jacky came to me quickly and tried to get me inside the venue. "What happened love?" "My s-s-sister came by, t-told me a sob story, I told her the truth and she beat me u-up" I try to say but my voice got lost. Jacky hold me into his arms as she clean my cuts.

Why does everything keep happening to me?


Chapter 15 is done! Just when things were getting good for Vicky. I try to keep it interesting as possible so your welcome. C:

Feedback please~ Vote and Comment for Chapter 16! <3

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