Chapter 19

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[Victoria's P.O.V]

Today was a very big day. Everyone from Falling In Reverse were leaving to go back homes to their families and girlfriends. Jacky and I had to go to LA and pack some things up so I can put them in his place. But since we had a long drive from the bus venue to LA we got tired and I stayed with him for one night.Let's just say things got interesting that night. I won't go in details. 

When it was the next morning, Jacky and I went to IHOP to get our breakfast. An elderly couple that we were cute for how Jacky was a gentleman towards me. I blushed as others were noticing us as well.

Now once we finished our breakfast, I told Jacky the directions to go to my apartment which wasn't far from here. He parked at the parking lot and we both walked to my floor and to my apartment door. I unlocked the door.

It wasn't big but not small either, since I lived here alone with my cat Lydia which I need to go get her. Jacky found some used boxes and we both started to pack the necessary first like clothes. We got through that quick and Jacky found a picture of me when I was younger. I blushed in embarassment.

"Can I keep it?" He asked. "I guess if you want. They just give me hurtful memories." I said and he gave me a hug. "I promise for now on and till death pulls us apart, I will take care of you and treat you like how you should be treated." Tears were coming down my eyes and I smiled after Jacky said that.

 We continued packing up my belongings and it took us about a week for me to move in with Jacky and have my furniture in storage. I gave some of my old clothes to GoodWill and other donations. I picked up my little kitten Lydia so she can get used to our new home. 

One Month Later

I wake due to the sunlight hitting my face. Jacky arms are attached to my waist since last night. Lydia was meowing softly towards me to go get her food. I quietly got up, brushed my teeth and gave my little Lydia some cat food. Then I started making breakfast for me and Jacky since he would always make food for me back on tour.

I was cooking up some eggs and bacon on the stove making the house smell like food. A slight sleep Jacky was walking into the kitchen and wrapping his arm around my waist and trying to give me a morning kiss. I pulled away focusing on the eggs. He pouted.

"Have you brushed your teeth yet?" "Yes I have. Can my beautiful girlfriend give me a kiss now?" "Yes she can." I said and kiss him. Sadily I pulled away to finish the eggs and put them on the plate.

Jacky bring one over and grabbed his eggs and bacon. We both ate them and I washed the dishes afterwards. Jacky was playing with Lydia. I smiled on how cute they are. I grabbed my phone and sneaky took a picture and post it on Instagram and Twitter. I couldn't resist!

Then my phone gotten over 1,000+ likes on Instagram and retweeted, favorited by fans. I walked over to Jacky and hugged him from behind. He was holding Lydia. "What was that for?" He asked. I smiled. "Well for loving you and that you're an amazing boyfriend." He smiled.

"Jacky?" Yeah love?" "How would you feel about having kids on our own. Having a little family together?" I asked and got a bit nervous. He smiled. "I would feel like the luckiest guy in the world knowing that you would be the mother of my future kids." I couldn't stop blushing. Once again I was so lucky to have a great guy like Jacky C. Vincent.

A Couple Of Months Later [Jacky's P.O.V]

It was Ronnie's and Crissy's wedding day. Everyone was invited, from the band to his close friends. Me and the rest of the guys were his best man. The Groom had to take photos with his best men as well of the Bride with her Bridesmaids.

Crissy was taking photos with the rest of the other girlfriends while holding Willow. The photographer was telling the girls to pose in the photo. Some serious and some not-so serious to make some laughes. It did made Willow laugh.

Then the wedding ceremony had started. Ronnie was at the end of the aisle as the best man, bridesmaids, flower girl and ring boy was walking down the aisle. Then the brides was walking down with her father.

I could see Ronnie was getting nervous. Of course you would get married. I looked around and see Victoria standing next to Haley. She was so beautiful with her hair curled down and wearing a light blue dress to match mines. She notices me and waves a little and I smiled back to her.

Once the bride made it down the aisle, her father gives her hand to Ronnie's hand. They both go to where they need to stand and he uncovered her veil that was on her face. Crissy was trying not to cry. 

Then the priest starts to begin. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Ronald Radke and Crissy Henderson." He continues with the little talk and orders the couple what to do to continue the ceremony. Then he starts saying the words

"Do you Ronald Radke take Crissy Henderson to be your wedded wife to live together, love her, for rich or poor, for sickness and health till death pulls you apart?" "I do." Ronnie answers.

"Do you Crissy Henderson take Ronald Radke to be your wedded husband to live together, love him, for rich or poor, for sickness and health till death pulls you apart?" "I do." Crissy answers.

"I now pronouce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride." Once Ronnie kisses Crissy everyone in the room roared in cheers congradulating the newly wedded couple. I see Vicky wiping her tears as I went and hugged her. "Did that made you cry love?" "It was really romantic Jacky I couldn't help myself." She says. I smiled at her and grabbed her hand to take pictures with the Bride and Groom.

At The Party

Two hours ago, Crissy Henderson had became Crissy Radke. We had cake and saw Ronnie and Crissy take their first dance together. It was truely beautiful. "Some day that will be us up there. Married. All of our friends will watch us dance for the first time." I says as I take Victoria's hand. She smiles and says "I can't wait to become Mrs. Vincent." I really hope it would happen soon.

Everyone was already dancing on the dance floor. Crissy was checking up on Willow and changed to her second dress. I bring Vicky to the dance floor. "Jacky I'm not a good dancer.." She says trying to walk away but I pulled her back into my arms. "I don't care, I want to dance with you and I don't care if people are watching." Then we both started to dance to the playing music.

I really want to marry Victoria one day. Have a beautiful wedding with all of our close friends, start a family with her. Growing up until we reach old age with her. All of it.

I saw Victoria laughing and embarassing her self and I chuckled. She was just plain adorable. She went in my arms and I hold her making sure she won't fall. Then we sat back down cause her feet was hurting from her heels.

"I love you Jacky Vincent" She says and shows me her tattoo. I smile and said "I love you Victoria Winters." and showed her mines. 

Our relationship is like a fairytale. It has it goods and bads but in the end we live happily together. Together and Forever.


This chapter almost killed me. I love happy endings. Story's not done yet loves! And i'm making the ending a huge one! <3

Vote and Comment for Chapter 20! <3


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