Chapter 11

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[Jacky's P.O.V]

Crystal leans in and places her lips onto mines. I really don't want to kiss her. I really don't. She places her arms around my neck and starts playing with my hair. Can she not? Even thought she told awful things about Victoria. I rather be kissing her than Crystal. Why is love so fucking complicated?!?

Crystal continues kissing me even when I hear a door opening. Who is it? Ronnie?? Ryan?? Ron?? Derek?? Our tour manager??? I expected to to be one of them until I hear a gasp. Oh no.

"JACKY AND CRYSTAL?!!? WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!" Victoria screams as tears where coming down her beautiful blue eyes. I just can't hate on her though. Then Crystal stop kissing me got up and grabbed Victoria's arm to take her outside. What the hell is going on here?!!?

[Victoria's P.O.V]

Why is this happening??? I told Crystal to stay away from Jacky. My fear was coming true. Crystal drags me back into the venue where the band played already and pushed me into a room. "What the hell is your problem Crystal?!?!" "My problem is you bitch! Anyways Jacky will hate you now and probably won't speak to you ever again"She says with a smirk in her face.

I gasp. "What lies you told him Crystal?!" I was getting angry now. "Just making up shit to sound realistic and he totally believes me! He's sure is an idiot but a cute one~" She smiles. I wanted to punch her so bad right now but I can't. I hold my ground.

"Anyways I got what I wanted and now I have to leave. Also I think you should go back harming yourself and die in a hole cause once Jacky says to everyone what I said about you, they will hate you. Just like how everyone hated you in highschool." She got something out of her bag and threw it at me. It was one of my old razors. "I kept them in case I ran into you and make your life miserable. And it worked!" 

She opened the door as I slide my back down the wall and sat on the floor. Crystal texted on her phone and looked at me."I suggest you quit this job and again kill yourself. Have a nice life" She says as she walks away.

That's it then.Crystal offically ruined my life again. By finding out where I was, kissing the guy of my dreams and told him lies that could make him hate on me till the end of time.It was over for me. I looked at my old razor, picked it up and went to a nearby bathroom.

Once I got inside, I quickly locked the door so no one can find me. I look at my wrist and saw my old scars. I cleaned out the razor and finding a good spot to make my new scar.

I slowly dragged the razor onto my skin to make a perfectly good cut. Tears were falling out of my eyes as I continued. Maybe Crystal was right. I deserved to die.

Blood was rushing down my arm and making drops in the white clean sink and to the floor. I was feeling light-headed and dropped to the floor.

[Jacky's P.O.V]

I rushed out of the tourbus trying to find Victoria. But i ran into Ronnie. "Hey Jacky, what's the rush?"He asked. "Oh um.I was trying to find Victoria. Crystal just dragged her out of the bus and I need to know where is she." "Well I saw Crystal leaving with another guy like 30 mintues ago." That fucking whore. "I don't care about Crystal! Have you seen Victoria?!?!" "I haven't dude.Sorry."

Then some tech guy told us that he saw Vicky crying and going somewhere inside the venue.He doesn't sure where exactly but that was enought information for me. Ronnie eyes widen and called everyone inside the venue to come outside.

"What is it Ronnie?" Derek asked. "Look guys, we have to find Victoria as soon as possible.I need to know if she's alright." Ronnie told everyone. "Is something wrong with her?" Ron asked. Ronnie sighed and said "I'll tell you guys later.Now go find Victoria!" 

Everyone rushed inside the venue to find her. I was running as fast as I can. Oh dear god, please let her be okay.

I hope she's okay.


Hey guys! I love the comments you left in the last chapter. I'm so evil >:3

I'm getting into this story so expect more coming soon! :3 

I would some feedback so Vote and Comment for Chapter 12! <3

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