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Tyler Joseph is typing.
Tyler: Hi, sorry it's been a few days. I've been busy with stuff.

Joshua: It's cool.

Tyler: Do you have a job or like part time job?

Joshua: I work at a music store after school and on the week ends that's where I am atm.

Tyler: Cool, I work at a shoe store. So I get discounts on my Vans.

Joshua: That's sick. Oh I like your profile picture btw.

Tyler: Thanks, I like yours to. So your punk?

Joshua: I guess? Your hipster?

Tyler: I guess.

Joshua: Sick.

Tyler: Neat.

Joshua: What music to you listen to?

Tyler: I don't really listen to music. I have a keyboard but I don't use it. It's kinda lame.

Joshua: Wut? You don't listen to music? Are you human? Lol

Tyler: Yeah I'm human. I was just never brought to music. I've never found it entertaining.

Joshua: Tyler. I refuse to talk to you until you listen to something and like it.

Tyler: Joshua. I accept your challenge.

Joshua: Talk to you when you find love in music.

Tyler: See ya.
Seen at 8:33 pm
He seems really funny. Maybe we can become friends.

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