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A/N- Lets pretend the last few days never happened. Thank you guys for helping me through it, here's a chapters  all of you lovely tater tots deserve. Yes, for now on, you, are my tater tot army, and I, am the queen potato.


Woke up in a pitch black room, it was mine. I cover up my windows because I hate light in the mornings. I was not alone in the bed, someone was clinged to my side. I shuffled a bit before waking the other sleeping person up.

"Josh?" Tyler yawned out. Raising up, I turned on my lamp and looked at him. "Hi." I said with a smile.

"What happened last night?" Tyler asked, rubbing his cheeks. I looked around and saw a few bottles of beer and half full cups of vodka. "From the looks of it, a lot." I chuckled then got up from the bed.

"Did we, ya' know..." Tyler trailed off and stared at the endless number of bottles.

I motioned him to hold the thought and looked in the trash bin beside my dresser.

"Well, there's no condom in the trash so, unfortunately, no." I laughed at myself and walked to the closet.

"Hmm.." Tyler made a noise and got up from the bed. As I grabbed a shirt to put on I felt a hand on my back. My breathing hitched, I ignored it and continued search for pants, which wasn't hard because they were all black or red skinny jeans.

"Josh?" Tyler said in a humming voice. I grabbed the red pair of skinnies to match my black (as my soul) shirt. "Yes, princess?" I answered with a smile on my face because his voice makes me happy. He twiddled his thumbs and looked at me with his cute puppy eyes. "We never had our first kiss, and, I-I never kissed anyone before because, I wanted my first ANYTHING to be special. And-" He trailed off and looked around. "And, I was hoping you wouldn't be grossed out if I asked you to be my first kiss." Tyler went on and kept his gaze at the floor.

"Tyler." I called out, looking at him with a goofy grin. "I'd be more than happy to be your first kiss, or anything, for that matter." I look at my surroundings then spoke again. "But this is not special."

"What do you mean?" Tyler asks and walk to the bed then plops downs. "Well, I have morning breath, my headache is pounding harder then a drum, and it's the day after a party." I answered, putting on my clothes for the day. "Oh, right. Okay." Tyler sounded saddened but hid it with a smile. I frowned and sat beside him. "Tell you what, I'll take you on our first date and see where everything goes from there."



"Tyler Robert Joseph!" My mom yelled from the porch. I rolled my eyes and looked at her as I stopped at the walkway. "Why did you lie to me and your father?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, generally think about what I lied to her about. "We rode past Josh's house yesterday. There was a party going on, and I saw you with a few other bad influences." She spatted.

I made a "really?" face and  deeply sighed. "What we're me and the "bad influences" doing?"

"Drinking whatever was in the cups and chasing each other like wild animals." She had her arms crossed and walked closer to me.

"Okay- who said that I was drinking non-of age drinks? No one. And who said I couldn't have fun? No one. Yeah, it was a party. But no, I didn't not lie to you, mom. I said, and I quote, "Josh, and a few other friends." I never said how many. Therefore, once again, you are incorrect about everything you had claimed." I push past her and walk inside. "Hey Zack, hi Jay, where is Mads?" I asked, looking around. "She's at the store with her friends." Jay spoke, taking a look away from his Play Station 1. "And by store, you mean the mall?" I asked walking up the stairs. "Yeah? Why?" Zack followed behind me. I smirk and say, "Nothing. I'm just correcting him. Ya see, a store is where you buy cheap versions of the things at the malls. And the mall has many stores inside it, where a store only has a bathroom and a back room." I said, shutting the door after finishing. I heard Zach sigh and go to his room. He knows I don't like socializing with family. So he respects it and doesn't annoy me.

Josh said he'd take me to the Mistletoe prom at his school this Friday. I've never been to a school dance before and I'm kinda scared. I don't go to the school because I'm homeschooled. Though I'm not scared at the same time, I know Josh will be there with me and that make me smile.

I love him.

(A fight is breaking out at 6:00am in my family. Aka- my stupid mom and step-asshole of a dad is fighting. Fml. I swear I'm going to choke them both out and then drown them in a tea cup.

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