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Josh: Debby we gotta talk.

Debbs: about what babe?

Josh: we can't keep doing this. It's gotta stop.

Debbs: what about Johnny, Josh? He needs his parents together.

Josh: he doesn't need a unfaithful father to hate when he get bigger and he doesn't need a mother like you. we are shitty parents but we tried, right? I did, at least. At least I stopped for him  and when I get custody of him I'll make sure he has the best life. But we gotta stop doing this because I don't love you.

Debbs: your not taking my child.

Josh: our** and yes I will.

Debbs: I'm not raising my child around two faggots. Fuck off.

Josh: Jesus Christ why did I ever fuck you.

Josh: oh yeah, because I was dared... that's right.

Debbs: you fucking bastered. have fun explaining to tyler why you cheated on him.

Unknown: Debby, give him a break. I mean, meth makes you delusional after all.

Debby: who the fuck are you?

Josh: piss off. How the fuck did you get in this chat?

Debby: who is it? Send a picture of you dude.

Unknown: -insert pictures-

Josh: holy shit, ty is this a fucking joke? what's on your face?

Debby: Jesus Christ I'm leaving.

@.DebbyRyan left the chat

Unknown: but I'm not Tyler, I'm bl ur ry f ce

Josh: who is Blurryface?

Unknown: see you at six J OS HU A

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