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I grabbed my luggage from the bunk above us, I grabbe the bag of nuts I was munching on, taking them with me as I got off the plane.  I looked around me as I was walking off the plane down the steps. I saw tons of people. But. One stuck out. He was tall, red hair. And yes, I could see him from the plan.

I could honestly say I was crying when I first laid eyes on him. I stepped down the last step, I started walking, then that turned to sprinting, an that was the single moment everything was at all. Our arms connected, him and I holding tightly to eachother. Everything was perfect. Nothing was bothering me. Not anxiety, not depression, not even Blurry.

"Oh my god. Tyler. You just as beautiful as you are on Skype." Josh cupped my face and looked directly in my eyes, I blushed a pale red. "Same for you! I can't believe this is happening. This is amazing!" I exclaimed, hugging him once again.

"Tyler?" Josh whispered, hugging me back.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I love you."

"I love you to, Josh."

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