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TylerinaTheBallerina is calling.
•Josh's POV•

"Hey baby blue." Tyler's voice was in mid yawn. I smile. "Hey princess." I responded, I grabbed my drink off my nightstand, taking a sip then slipping it on me because I'm a klutz. Tyler's laughed. I roll my eyes and took my shirt off. "There problem solved." I stated. Tyler's face went flushed with red. I smirk, knowing I was making him blush. "Still straight?" I questioned, running my hand threw my hair. Tyler was pretty much gawking. "Uh. N-no. I was just-" He stuttered. I chuckled. "It's fine princess. I think it's cute. I think your cute." I confessed. "So I'm who your crushing on then?" Tyler asked. I nod in approval. Tyler quickly hid his face and man I wish I was with him at that moment. Just to hold him. That'd be the best thing in the world. But sadly he's oh so many miles away. Maybe one day? "I'm sorry, what did you say? I was kinda thinking to myself." I snapped out of my thoughts and asked Tyler. "I said, I have to go to work now. But I'll call you after I get back which should be in like 5 hours so~" Tyler says getting off his bed and started to put his Vans on. "Okay princess. I'll talk to you later. Stay alive." I goodbyed him. "Bye baby blue."
Call ended on 10 minutes and 21 seconds.

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