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Josh is typing
Josh: Hey princess.

Tyler: Hey baby blue.

Josh: I dyed my hair last night.

Tyler: What colorr??:

Josh: Red.

Tyler: Send. Picture. Now.

Josh: lol Okayy.
Josh sent a picture.
Tyler: Omfggg. I can't call you baby blue anymore. Ehhh. It looks good though.

Josh: Guess what???

Tyler: Whatt?"

Josh: Only 2 weeks and a day until we get to meet.

Tyler: Yess I knowww OMF ima diee.

Josh: Samme

Tyler: I know your new nickname!!

Josh: Whattt!??

Tyler: Mistletoe.

Josh: Dats cute princess. That mean Everytime your see me you gotta kiss me.

Tyler: I'll be sure to do that.

Josh: Good.

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