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Josh: ty are you awake

Tyler: yeah are you

Josh: ty can you do me a favor.

Tyler: sure the least I can do.

Josh: we are broken up, ain't we?

Tyler: seems so.

Josh: i want you to hold custody of Johnny. I know you're really young, but you're the only one I trust. You're family is good.

Tyler: Josh I can't do that. What about you?

Josh: he'd be better off with you. just please do it?

Tyler: what do I have to do?
Josh: Debby already signed, you have to sign custody papers and have it noticed by the judge, then he's yours.

Tyler: I don't like this Josh, I don't want him to grow up with our fighting because our fights get more and more verbal and he'll not just hate me but you too because we fight when we see each other.

Josh: we won't fight, I swear on my life.

Tyler: you really want this

Josh: yea

Tyler: ok. i will.

Josh: thanks. Goodbye.

Josh has went offline.

-Thirty minutes later-

Tyler: goodnight

I'm sorry, but the profile Josh Dun has been removed or delete by the owner.

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