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I just want to move out of Tennessee and go to Colorado already. Also message me some story ideas and I will start writing one of the ideas from you guys. I'll even give you credit if you'd like.


Brendon was the car. He was the car after 3 times of playing, stubborn forehead. Tyler still hasn't woken up, it's been 4 hours of playing Monopoly and listening to the slight snores coming from a unconscious boy.

"What do you think he's dreaming about?" I asked Brendon, who was looking at Tyler's book shelf. "Probably music, or dick." Brendon answered, plopping down on the floor with a book.

As Brendon said that I instantly started choking on air. Stay classy, Josh. "What makes you say that?" Brendon took a minute to think. "He has porno magazines behind his books."

Pretty sure I just coughed up both of my lungs.

"Stop pilfering, it's rude." I state, honestly trying not to laugh.

"So is lying about being a dad." Brendon spoke. This motherfucker.

"Brendon, use that against me again and I'll nuder you." I threatened him, he grabbed his package as if I mentally hurt them.

"Touché, really though, when are you going to get custody of him? Y'know Debby can't support him." Brendon asked while flipping through pages of the book "Twilight: Breaking Dawn".

"I don't know, I don't want to just take him away from his mom but I don't like the idea of him growing up like her. She's not right." Great, deep talk now.

"Ight, I got it." Brendon let out a sigh of annoyance. "It's very quite." I nod in agreement.

"Yeah, I doubt Tyler has any music." I stated, looking around the room for some type of time consuming thing to do.

"We could always play Monopoly ag-"




You know how it feels when you are dreaming but awake at the same time? Not daydreaming, but your in between sleep and awake. It feels like your falling, but you not. Because it's not real.

I remember reading about it, myths, nonsense really.  It seems to me, that passing in your sleep would be the easiest way to go. No pain, no suffering, no one would know, they'd just think you were sleeping.

I feel like I am dying, not pain wise, but I can feel my body becoming cold, becoming numb and eventually unmovable. It feels like there's nothing left for me, common for someone with such illnesses. I'm not dying, far from it actually. Rather I wake up or not beats me, but I feel nothing.

I guess I never did to begin with.

Waking up is a struggle, I had woken up, in my bed and facing towards Josh's friend Brendon. I stared at him as he read books off my shelf, and still I feel nothing.

I raised up, Brendon facing the same direction as me, making him oblivious to the fact that I am awake.

"Where's Josh?" I asked, making Brendon jump at the sudden noise. He looked back to see me on the edge of my bed.

"Tyler! You're up! Oh, yeah, Josh just left. How are you feeling?" Brendon stood up and examined me head to toe. 

"He was here? Why did he leave and you stayed?" I asked walking to my window and saw a figure walking down the street, it was Josh. I could tell from the white jacket and obnoxiously neon green converses. (Hah don't ask me)

"He just didn't want you to start anything when you woke up. He thinks he's unwanted in this house." Brendon spoke, making me gain sinking feelings in the pit of my stomach.

"I'll be right back." I state and quickly slip on a hoodie and shorts, not worrying about shoes, then left before Brendon could stop me.

Quickly making my way down the stairs and through the door, I began running after Josh, who was barely visible from my eyesight.

I stayed far behind him, but close enough that I could see him. I started follow him.

He walked a while before stopping at a old warehouse. He quickly went through the gates and into the building. (Just imagine the Fairly Local music video setting, that's what I did.)

Josh walked into a room with nothing but a bent up drum set.  I then decided to let him know I was basically stalking him.

"Don't freak out, but I'm coming in." I spoke, hearing the gasp of fear from Josh's lips made me sure that he heard.

I walked up to him and looked around. "What is this place, Josh?" He looks at me up and down and says, "Its a warehouse."

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, scared for the response. Josh chuckles.

"No, Tyler. I'm scared of you." My eyes widen with shock. His scared of me? Josh looks at me.

"Why?" I asked, my hands grabbed the rim of the bottom of my shirt as I subconsciously pull on the cloth.

"Your unpredictable, Tyler. You hate me, kick me out, then I find you in the middle of a street miles from your actual road, screaming to someone and saying go away." Josh explained.

"What was I supposed to do? You didn't tell me something about yourself that I should have known. I do not hate you, Josh. But keeping things from me that are this important, yeah, it's going to piss me off. I talked to Toby and he told me more things about you that I had no idea about. It hurts worse when it's not coming from the person who needs to tell it." Josh nods, he looks at the ground and speaks again.

"Than let's make it better? Let's tell each other everything there is to know about us. Then we will have nothing to hide." He suggests, I smile slightly and we ended up sitting on a old couch just talking.

"You first." Josh says. I nod and think.

"I wear skirts and dresses sometimes. It's weird, I know. Though, it makes me feel confident. My sister was trying to get me to wear one at the dance, but I refused. Okay, your turn." I quickly look up to examine his face. He had the cutest grin.

"Okay, let's see. I'm a dad, he's a boy and his name is Johnny, I'm gaining custody of him soon, because of Debby's recent problems with drugs." Josh confessed as he looked away.

"I play piano, ukulele, and I sing. It's been while since I did any practice though."

"That's so cool! I play drums, hey! Maybe we can like make music together! ...That sounded wrong, oops, sorry." Josh says excitedly, he laughs afterwards and looks at me.

"Yeah, that'd be neat." I smiled down at him.



A/N- I feel like I'm going so fast on this story. Like, call me Lighting McQueen, I'm so fast.

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