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As my doorbell rang, I instantly started to dread answering it. It's my fuck up and even I have to own up to it at some point in time.

"Hey... Tyler. Where's the guy?"

Tyler looked scared, he instantly started to hug me and look through the house. That concerned me.

"What are you looking for?" My voice echoes, me and him were alone, not that it mattered.

"Some-somebody told me y-you were in trouble. I-I came to hel-help you." Tyler looked over his shoulder and started to cry silently.

"Tyler, who is Blurryface?"


Tyler leaned against the wall, he looked over his shoulder again, just staring at, something.

"How do you know about him?" Was all Tyler said, not giving me one ounce of needed information. I pulled out my phone to his contact I put under as 'blurryface'

Tyler stared, he was confused. "Josh... How do you know who Blurryface is?"

"He texted me! See it? It's right there!?"

"Josh, no one was texting you...  You were texting yourself, no one replied."

"Bullshit, Tyler! Blurryface told me you was coming with him, at 6. Look what time it is! It's 6! He sent a picture of himself but it was blurry and distorted and it looked like you. Are you fucking with me?"

"Josh, calm down. You're making me have a anxiety attack, please." And Tyler seemed to really be scared.

"Just, tell me who he is, it's not that fucking hard to answer! Are you literally stupid?"

"He's... like, my other side. Where I am not evil, he is evil to the core. But you shouldn't be able to see him! I don't get that... He's not real, he's in my head.

I didn't believe it, how fucking could I? Tyler is here telling me he's a fucking schizo, and that he just wasn't real. Yeah fucking right.


"Look Tyler! If he not real, then why is he texting me right now?"

I showed Tyler the phone and the texts it displayed.

Unknown: tell him

"Josh, nothing's there. That's actually a common side effect to schizophrenia, you mind making you see things that other people can't."

"It's says 'tell him'." I froze. I didn't mean to say it.

"Tell me what?"

"You'll find out, later. But you've gotta go, uh, Johnny is coming soon. Debby doesn't like you, so-"

"So, you're going to let her drive me off? Why?"

"Because like it or not, I have a child and until I get custody of him I have to make her happy so she won't lie on me. Johnny means everything to me, he means more to me than you do. But, I do love you Tyler. You understand, I can't pick somebody over him: that's fucked up."

"Okay... I'll go, tell Johnny I said hi."

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