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Forgive me father, for I have sinned. Blue won. It got to five tally marks the first. Plus, creds to @ grandmother for helping me make the falling action and resolution to the story. Great minds think alike. Js. I'm at graduation to btw. So. Yeah.



Bl ur ry f ce
Bl ur ry f ce
Bl ur ry f ce

"Josh?" A voice rung in my ear. I could hear it in the distance, it was very unsettling. I squint my eyes as they open. The face is distorted. No face. Red eyes.

I gasped as the face came closer, subconsciously hitting who ever it was. He leaned over in a fit of pain.

"Josh, what the hell?!" Tyler screamed and everything had a different feel to it. "Oh my god, Tyler! I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to- you just... Scared me." I said honestly, not trying to cause a fight.

Tyler moved his jaw around. "Whatever... I just came to wake you up." He threw my clothes at me along with my phone. "I'm leaving for the day anyways." He added. I looked up from my phone and glance at him.

"Where are you going?" I asked, I just want to make sure he's safe. "In the forest." Tyler walks away with his phone in hand.

"Tyler!" I called out, I ran to him and turned him around to face me. He pulls away from me with a disgusting look. "I don't want this to be it! I don't want this to be how we break up. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but please, Ty. Don't end it know." Tears welded in my eyes and I just stood there, trying to fix everything that I've done.

"Tell me why I should." Tyler demanded. He bit his lip, drawing blood. I thought for a moment, blood hit my barefoot.

"What did you feel last night?" I asked, studying his eyes. Brown. Dark spots. Bloodshot.

"Rage." Tyler spat and turned around, continuing what he was going to do. "No! I mean when I kissed you and you kissed me back. What did you feel then?"

Tyler stopped. And with one word, he's never been so cold hearted. One word.




You're not who you're suppose to be.
Please, remember me, I am suppose to be king of a kingdom or swinging on a swing. Somethings happened in my imagination.
Yeah situations becoming dire.
My treehouse is on fire.
And for some reason, I smell gas on my hands. This is not what I had planned.


I'm in the forest. No one knows this place. Only me, I found it while walking with Josh to the waterfall. I got lost trying to find him, and instead found this place.

There is a widow tree in the middle of an open ground, it's the only widow in the woods. The roots of the tree are raised from the ground, making a sort of crawl space under it. I've thought about living here countless times in the past 3 months I've been in Ohio. I brought a blanket, some pillows, candles in water bowls, and all my thoughts to this, you could call it my safe place. I come here a lot when I'm sad.

Or when something inside me wakes up.


"Tyler~" it hums, he hums, using my own mouth to communicate. I ignore it, or, I tried to. "We both know he doesn't deserve to stay aliv-" I screamed, loud, and in pure fear, in attempt to stop it. It hurts, I'm scared, I'm really scared.

"Look at your hands, Tyler." I look down. I'm pale, but my hands began to almost take a completely different look. You could see the difference, my hands are naturally pale but peachy, where these are covered with a light grey substance.

"What do you see when you look at them?" The question echoed in my head. Everything was echoing. Ignoring it to my best ability. I began to write, to somehow push back what he is doing, to stop it.

And it does, my doubt fading from my hands as I feel 90% better.

10% is me wonder what Josh has done, that is so bad, Blurry wants him dead. I look down to my new song.

I named it "Drown"

I decided to text Toby.

Tj: Hey can I ask you something?

T: sure.

Tj: what did Josh do? Other than lie to me about being a dad.

T: tyler. i dated josh before, he acts like he loves you and he'll treat you like a prince. but if he gets tired of you, your nothing but another guy/girl. while me and him were together, everything was great, we went to school on the weekdays, josh goes to his part time job and i'd keep him company. then, all of a sudden, he gone. he's with this girl named debby ryan because she was pregnant with josh's kid. 1 year later, they split after debby gets into drugs he refuses to mess with. he meets you, and the cycle of broken hearts will continue.

I laughed out load, I laughed, and laughed, and laughed until my gut hurt. Really??? Toby dated Josh? Josh leaves Toby to be with Debby because she was pregnant with his kid? And Toby thinks that he's no good because he left him?

Tj: OH MY GOD! really? You made it seem like Josh was actually like doing something wrong. He broke up with you because he must have wanted to make things right with Debby, for the kids sake.

Tj: Hello?

Tj: sorry. But josh did no harm to anyone. Your just over reacting.


The walk to Josh's house is terrible. It's dark, I'm scared of the dark. I keep seeing shadows that seem to have a human shape to them. They're following me. So I'm running away down the street, trying my hardest to reach Josh's before they get me.

They get me.

He gets me.

Blurryface gets to me.

I ended up in the middle of the street, curled up, screaming "Go away!" Until someone calls my name and everything shifts.

I see head lights when my eyes open.

"Tyler?" The voice calls again, this time, closer. I'm completely unable to answer. You know when your so scared, you can't speak or scream, or move? That's what this is. I'm paralyzed.

"Dude, call 911!" Another voice orders. I can move my eyes, I can hear, and feel everything. I just cannot move my body.

"His eyes are open! Josh for fuck sakes call 911!" Voice #2 calls out, everyone has a blurry face. Hehe, Blurryface.

"Tyler? Can you hear me? Blink if you can." Josh, I'm guessing, asks me. I blink a few times. Josh sighs in relief. "Stay still, Brendon is calling an ambulance."

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