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The last time I went to the hospital was because I tried to kill myself.

Then he left me and I was okay.

Now he's back and now I'm far from ok.

He's like a really bad stalker, he knows everything about me, he tells me to do things that I don't want to do,

But it's not like I can just say no and be done, he

Emotionally beats me,

He can manipulate me to do anything,


Which is probably why I came back to reality with a razor in my hands and a bottle of aspirins emptied on my bed.

He forced me to do it.

But that would exactly make the hospital people go away, ya know, saying he made me do it.

Yeah right.

"You're a crazy suicidal head case, Tyler." And that's his favorite line, ya know?

That and "You're gone." or let's not forget, "I care what you think..

Just shut up, Okay?

But somehow

I was woken up and regained control of my self before I could carve my arm or swallow too many pills, because I definitely did swallow two or three.

It was a knock on the door, so like any normal teenager who's mind was tricking him to kill himself would do, I answered the door.

"Well hello gorgeous, you might want to let me in before your next door neighbors think your a crazy head case- Tyler, what's wrong? You seem scared, it's okay ty- don't cry. But really, close the door before they take you away. We have catching up to do- seriously, ty guy, suck it the fuck up! I told you before that I'd never go away- not unless you killed yourself, that is.."

And Blurryface couldn't have came back at a better time then this.  But maybe I actually was trying to kill myself five minutes ago, and maybe Blurryface knew that and decided to finish my job for me.

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