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A/N: Hmmm... guess who turns 16 soon? MEEEEE!!! Anyways, here's a chapter, my lovelies.

p.p.s: I promise you I will own all my favorite albums on CD by the end on 2016. I WANT ALL OF YHEM!!!!!



"Fuck my wifi!" I slid my phone on the coffee table and leaned into Josh's arm. He chuckled lightly and responded with,

"Don't fuck your wifi, fuck me instead!"

"I'm so fricking done with you." I stand up and grab his car keys, turning aroun an looking at him.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving you."

"Wait, so you're leaving your house using my car? Something is not adding up here." I shrugged and slip on my Vans, Josh stretches across the couch and grunts dramatically.

"No, no, Josh. Get up, I can't stay here and be wifi-less, we're gonna go to my boyfriends house, maybe his wifi isn't being a huge dick." I stare at Josh, he grins and looks at me.

"I don't know about his wifi, but you're boyfriend is know to have a big dick." Josh flopped on his stomach and acted as if he was asleep.

I then grew a evil grin and mentally laughed. I pulled out my wallet and looked through it in search for a card.

"Oh dear, I have this $50 Taco Bell card and no one to eat the food with. If only there was someone who was AWAKE enough to go with me." I acted dramatic, like I was trying out for some fucking Shakespeare play.

I glance over at Josh who was flipping me off, but still faced down on the couch. "Does this mean your coming with me?" I asked, giggling and jiggling his keys.

"Only because you've bribed me with food you soul-less whore."

"I'm only a metaphorical whore."

"That's denial, Tyler. You know your a slut for me." Josh grinned while I blushed, I shook it off and proceeded to go to the car.


Me and Josh joked all the way up to Taco Bell about writing a song based off the restaurant itself.

"Dude, go to the drive threw and let me order the food."


"Just do it!"

I pulled around to the drive thru and leaned back so Josh could order.

"Welcome to Taco Bell, can I take your order?" I noticed the voice as Pete Wentz and instantly laughed at Josh's reply.


"Sir, we don't serve Bic Macs.



Josh sighs loudly and with his normal voice he says, "I'll have four bean burritos then."

"Oh, fuck you, Josh Dun." Pete spat  jokingly causing me to laugh.

"Hey! That is no way to talk to a costumer. I might not tip you for this."

"Okay, okay, four beans, got it.  Give me your money at the next window."


"Hey, Tyler?" I broke them silence of eating tacos in Tyler's bedroom.

"Hm?" Tyler made a noise, still eating his second burrito. 

"I love you."

"Awe, I love you to, Josh. Why are you being lovey dovey?"

"What do you mean? Aren't I always?"

"Not really, sorta rare with you."

"Would you like for me to change that?"

"Yes, please."



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