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WARNING: the use of weed/pot IS used in this chapter, if you are triggered by the use of drugs then do not read.


"Brendon is obviously better then you, Josh." Tyler smirked and looked at me from the corner his eyes. I returned the stare but in a more pouty way.

"So not true! I can finish faster then him!" I protested pointing at Brendon, who was focused on the moving screen of the TV.

"Are you challenging me, Mr.Dun?" Brendon laughed as he threw the other controller at me. I stared at Tyler for a second, trying to debate if I should try to impress him.

"Yes I am!" I declared, spinning around on the spinning chair as Brendon started a new game of Mario Kart.

Tyler only laughed and got up to go to the kitchen. He's been in there for five minutes, I worried like the clingy boyfriend I am and after finishing and TOTALLY whooping Brendon's ASS in the process, I checked on Tyler.

"Stop!" I yelled as I ran into the kitchen, Tyler let out a scream as he jumped back and dropped a pack of crackers. He stared at me and waited for me to continued. "Just kidding." I reassured him with a smile on my face. Tyler sighed and picked up the crackers.

"Salutations, my smol bean." I sat beside Tyler at the table and watched him. He starred at me while shoving a cracker into his mouth.

"Listen, I want you to stay the night with me tonight. I have movies I want to watch with you." I smiled as Tyler gave me a thumbs up.

"What about Brendong Urine?" Tyler asked looking down the hall to see Brendon singing songs on the top of his head. At one point he sung loudly with, "AND JESUS LOVES ME MORE THAN HE LOVES YOU!!"

"I think I'm gonna have Ryan or Dallon deal with him, but first, Brendon has something for me." I got up from the table and started my way down the hall.

I came back into the living room and handed Brendon a twenty dollar bill, in exchange he gave me a well-sized, small bag with pot inside. "Thank you kind sir, now, me and Tyler are about to go see a movie, I called Dallon and he said he'd babysit you for the night. So, pack you things son, your going to go stay at your mothers."

Tyler chuckled behind me and watch the two of us. Brendon bent of laughing while saying things like 'I knew it' and 'I've smoked to much weed'.

"Yes, yes, me and Dallon adopted you, now, go wait on the porch like a good boy." I sternly said despite the noticeable grin of amusement of my face.

Brendon left and me and Tyler just got done watching Step Brothers. Tyler cracked jokes and I couldn't help but laugh. "Ya' know, if we met in real life before the Internet, I think this would be how." I laughed a little louder then usual which I think made him laugh as well.

"What's next?" Tyler asked me as he looked up at the fairy lights hung up. We were in my room which makes it socially acceptable to even have fairy lights hung up.

I thought for a minute or two looking at the movies that sat on floor. "I actually had something else in plan." I state and pull out the bag of dope from earlier. "What the hell is that, Josh?" Tyler stood up from the couch. I stood up along with him and reassured him by saying, "It's okay, Tyler. It's just weed, it's not Crack or Meth, chill."

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