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"Black or blue?" I asked Mads, holding the tuxedos up to me. She looked for a second and her eyes lit up. "Neither." I stared confused at her before she walked to the closet and pulled out a grey sweater and a red skirt. Yes, a skirt.

"Mads, no." I rolled my eyes and looked at the piece of clothing. "Why? Are you going to hide that detail of your life from him forever? Relationships don't have secrets, Ty." She sighed and put them back. I was looking at the floor, now doubting myself. "Blue." She said after seconds of silence. I lift the blue tuxedo up to me and smile. "Thanks."


As I was watching TV with my mom and talking about the grandchildren she'll never have, a light knock came from the door.

"Ohh, he's here!" Mom cheered and went to answer the door. Opening it reviled a Joshua Dun, who had made my heart skip a beat.

"Oh, my dear lord." I whispered to myself, my cheeks were flushed badly. "Hey, princess." Josh spoke with the gentlest tone, his smile radiated my heart and all I could do was smile back.

"Hi!" I hugged Josh around his neck, his cologne was amazing. Just saying.

"Are you ready?" I nod and we proceed to walk out the door. "Wait!" My mom stops us. "I want pictures!"


This is fun, I don't know why I was scared. Me and Josh are with his friends that I've met only a few times, but I know them pretty well, so I guess they are my friends to. There is four of them. Brendon Urie, he's a musical genius. His voice can get so low and then high, he shams every soul singer out there.

Then Dallon Weeks, to be honest, he's the best bass player I've ever seen. He has a crush on Brendon, but doesn't want it to ruin the friendship because Brendon is a straight guy.

Damon Dewill, this was the friend Josh said he was in a relationship with on Facebook, he's a great artist and is very sarcastic.

And then then a shy boy named Toby, he is a lot like me. Quiet. He doesn't look happy all the time, you can sometimes see the sadness in his actions. It makes me sad, I talk to him more than I do anyone beside Josh, I connect with him more than anyone in the group.


"I'll be right back, gotta go outside for a second." Josh spoke and then left before anyone could protest.

"Where is he going?" I asked everyone. They all shook there heads as to say 'I don't know'.

"Maybe he's talking to BM about Johnny." Toby said and then covered his mouth, going silent again. Brendon  looked at him in sort of a shocked expression.

"What?" I asked. . Everything about how there're acting is telling me something's up. 

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Brendon said, shoving Toby in a joking manner. Toby walked off, he's sad. I started following him.

"Toby, are you okay? Who is Josh talking to?" Toby shook his head. I looked around and saw that Brendon, Dallon, and Damon was gone.

"I can't. Josh would kill me. He loves you, a lot." I stared around and began questioning everything. It felt like a panic attack, and hurt like something inside me was dying.

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