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I'm a fucking procrastinating little shit face who deserves to be trapped in a cage completely surrounded by demon Trump children. Don't ever believe me when I say "It'll be up in like a week, so chill." JUST DONT FUCKING BELIEVE ME CAUSE GUESS WHAT!?!?? It probably won't fricken happen.


Okay, so considering the last time I properly took Tyler on a date it ended very harshly. So I'm going to make it up to him. I'm gonna go planning it later tonight but for right now I have a buddy over to see me.

"Hey, little guy! How you doing?" I kneeled down in front of my son, he was playing with a boy Barbie and smiling ear to ear.

"Go to daddy, Johnny." Debby says in the background, she sniffled and grabbed her keys.

"I've gotta go, see you on Wednesday. Bye, sweetheart!"  She goodbyed me and Johnny leaving us on the floor with Barbie's in our hands.

"Excuse me?" I heard a soft voice at the door following by a scoff from Debby.

I look at the hall and wait for the voice to show itself as the footsteps grew louder.

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!" I yell as to entertain little man. I heard a snicker and Tyler popped out and instantly freaked over the baby.

"Oh, my god! It's a small Dun child!!" He quickly sat on the floor with us and hugged me.

"Hi, Josh. Does this belong to you? He's so cute~!" He cued to me and picked up the last Barbie.

"Yes, I helped create this little guy." I smirked, looking at Tyler.

"Oohh, so cute! He has your goofy smile." Tyler points out causing me to laugh and gently jabbed him with the doll.

"Oh, Ken! I'm a needy blonde, LOVE ME!!!!" Tyler joked with himself using the girl doll.

"Barbie, I'm leaving you for Becky."


"Well I love another now, Bye botch."



"We're we really playing Barbies?"

I chuckle and look at Johnny who was to amused by his feet that me and Tyler were oblivious. 

"Yes, anyways, hello Tyjo!"

I hugged him and ended up falling on him, by that I mean I "accidentally" tripped.

"Josh, nooo, get off." Tyler wiggled under and and laughed. This gave me an idea.

I started to tickle him.

"JOSH, no!! Stop it!" Tyler laughed carelessly and swished his arms around.

"Never!!" I exclaimed but stopped seconds later, because lazy.

"Not cool." Tyler poured, following by a weak smile.

"Aww! I wanted to be cool though!" I threw my hands up and frowned.

"You would be the coolest person ever IF you give me a kiss." Tyler smirked up at me so I gladly took his suggestion into action and have him a sweet kiss.

"I love your lips." I commented, he blushed and covered his face.

"Anyways... Why did you call me here??" Tyler asked, breaking the five second silence and looked at Johnny, playing with his hands.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" I instantly asked. Tyler grew the biggest fucking smile EVER, and hugged me.

"Fucking YES!" He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled himself on top of me, once again laying on the floor.

I chuckled and nuzzled into his neck, I wrapped my feet around him and stayed there until Johnny started to cry.

"No no little Dunshine, don't cry!" Tyler picked him up and stood up straight, he bounced him around and that honestly warmed my heart.

Not just warmed my heart, like, somebody threw that mother fucker in the sun. Needless to say it made me happy as I just watched them, it really, really did.


"Shush you dumbass, I just put Dunshine to sleep." I spat an jumped on the bed after closing my door. Tyler laid down beside me and smiled.

"You were really cute with him." I returned the smile and pulled him to my chest. He sighed and nuzzled in deeper to me, for some reason I felt a little sad.


I reached for my phone beside the nightstand, the first thing I saw was a text from unknown.

Unknown: my   na mes   bl ur ry f ce   nd   I   care.  w at   h e  th in ks

Josh: who is this?

Unknown: wa tc h   yø ur   back   jøsh ua   wil li am   du n

Josh: wtf who is this?

Unknown: yo uve   com mit ted  di rty   dir ty   cri mes

Josh: leave me alone

Unknown: ty ler  doe sn t   des er ve   som eone   li ke   yo u   he   sh ou ld   b   fr ee

Josh: Fuck off, you don't know shit, okay?

Unknown: my   na mes   bl ur ry f ce   nd   I   care.  w at   H E  th in ks

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