Chapter 2♤

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Chapter 2

I awoke to the familiar confident of my room. Something wasn't right though. An eerie chill ran through me.

"Mother!" I yelled. She didn't answer. She must've didn't hear me. I jumped off my bed and ran downstairs quietly. I heard arguing in the kitchen. 

"No! I allowed you to go to St. Lux (Latin word for light), but that was because you showed many gifts that your father had. Paris can't have any gifts I made sure." That was mother voice. What's St. Lux though?

"Mother, Paris was attacked by a demon today. That proves she has gifts. This wasn't a normal demon it was Angelus Lapsus." The man argued. Why did he call her mom?

"A fallen angel, but why?" Mother gasped.

"You know as well as I do. Paris is special and she needs to come with me back to St. Lux." Okay now is my moment to step out.

"Hold up mister. There is no way in hell I'm going anywhere with you." I froze when I met his eyes. "Raziel!?" Raziel was my brother. He disappeared when I was three. Raziel was tall, masculine, with amber like hazel eyes, chocolate brown hair styled into a cowlick. He wore all black. Most likely to blend in and for no one to see him.

"Paris!" They say simultaneously.

"You heard me. I can't leave my life for some fantasy your living. I was just attacked by someone. No reason to freak out." I crossed my arms and held a firm stature.

"Paris. Things about your father are complicated. Raziel knows himself. St. Lux is a wonderful school." Mom said while picking at her nails. She was hiding something.

"I can't listen to this. I'm going to the gym. Don't bother me." I hissed and ran to my room to change. My house had its own gym. This didn't make sense. Why would mom want to send me away? I ran to the gym and started. I was punching and kicking the punching bag. I was physically trained in boxing, Taekwondo, Judo, and Tai Chi. Mom wanted me to know how to defend myself. That helped so much. She also put me on horseback riding, gymnastics, and fencing. I punch the bag once again and rip the seam.

"Don't hurt the bag." Raziel was leaning in the doorway with a smug look on his face. 

"You know what...I....think your.....just a all," I said in between punches.

"Spar with me." He said.

"Are you serious?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Okay, but I'm not as helpless as I look."

He took the center mate with the regular pose. I took the same pose on the other side. He was giving me first attack. I run to punch his face, but he easily dodges it. I step back to recollect my thoughts. I decide to kick him, but he grabs my leg. I bring my other leg to kick him and caught him off guard. I knock him to the floor and hold my foot on his chest. He grabs my leg and trips me down.

"You're not so bad. A little rash, but that can be fixed. Come to St. Lux with me." He said. I frown.

"I can't leave mom. I don't care who my father is, but I belong here." I say.

"No you belong in Xenovia(read zenovia)." He said.

"I'm not going to this Narnia like place. " I yelled.

"Narnia? Who said anything about Narnia. We're talking about our homeland. Where we were born in." He explained.

"Tell me then. Why was I attacked? " I asked him.

"Because you have a gift that demons want to get rid of. You and I were born to be the Knights of Angelus." He proclaimed.

I crack up laughing. "You're a real joke. Whatever you're on then I suggest you get off it." I laugh.

"You have gifts that are locked inside of you. You should have been at St. Lux when you were five, but our mom protested saying you weren't special. Have you ever held a sword," I nodded, "Have you ever became so entranced by it?" I nodded once again. "Then you have the gift and need to come with me."

I start to laugh again. An angry look plastered his face. "Fine if you don't believe me. Then you'll believe this." He sat criss-cross and started to meditate. The lights started to flash on and off. Blue energy gather around him. I gasped and fell back.

"What are you?"

"I'm a Knight of Angelus. And you just saw my special gift quintessence. Now come with me to St. Lux Academy to begin your formal training." He said with a little pep. I walked off. That's all I could do.

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