Chapter 19♤

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Chapter 19

-Gwen Pov-
The crystals surrounded me as I look for Paris' trap. I noticed a dim crystal and grabbed it. I looked at it. There was something in it. A girl.

"She's in here." I drew runes all around me. Runes were used to channel power. That's what I needed to get inside this crystal. Magic essance surrounded the circle as I sat down on my knees. "Back up Graham. Your in the runic essence circle." I ordered. I know pixies don't order Xenovian around, but to get Paris back I had to make them back up.

I closed my eyes and went into meditation. The crystal was held close to my chest as I concentrated. Magic essance twirled around the circle making gust if winds. Slamming the crystal in the ground as I raised one hand the the sky. Magic essance preceded to making a dome, with its top touching my hand. The essence followed through my body and out my other hand into the crystal, sucking me in.

-Tonya Pov-

"I guess we wait now." I say.

"Of course. This could take awhile." Ariel sits down with her knees to her chest.

-Gwen Pov-
It was dark. There were voices surrounding me. A vision of someone appeared his face shrouded in the dark. My mother appeared next. The man approach her. Pinning her down. She fought against him. I turned around after he started to strip her. I knew what came next. Rape. I ran off.

"Paris." I called. I couldn't hear my own voice. Another vision appeared. It was of Paris and me. Except this one she was bullying me. I ran through the image. "Paris." I called again.

I ran through all the illusion. I had to remember they weren't real. I saw Paris hair and ran for it. It looked real that's all I needed. I lost the hair and kept wandering.

"Paris please come out." I resulted in begging. This crystal was messing with my brain and I couldn't focus. I fell to my knees and cried. Where is she?

"Someone help me." That voice rang through my ears. So familiar. It was Paris's younger voice. I ran towards the sound.

"I'm coming Paris." I yelled. Dark shadows blocked my path. It pushed be back further from Paris.

"Get out of my way." My bow came to me and released arrows of light. The shadows dispersed and came back. I kept firing arrows, creating light around me, keeping the shadows at bay. I look ahead and see a door. Pushing it open I notice a little girl in the corner crying. It was Paris.

"I'll help you." I held my hand out and smiled. She looked up at me and reach her hand out to take mine. Paris was herself in a instance. She cried on last tear and hugged me.

"Thank you." She whispered. The scene changed and we were standing in the middle of the Septem.

"Paris." They yelled. Paris backed up from me and sat down. She saw the different crystals around. All she did was scream and destroy each and everyone of them.

"Paris calm down. Tell us what happened." Graham tried to be rational, but she was getting angry.

"You wanna know what happened in it?" They nodded. She sighed and continued, "The crystal took some unfortunate events that happened and twisted them around to make them worst. That's not the worst part. It makes you see yourself as a little kid and you can't think straight anymore. Your diven to the point of tears." She started to pull on her hair and rock back and forth. The was genuine fears in her eyes. She was never afraid of things.

"Paris maybe you should reactivate your mental shield. It will help you." Ariel trying to be a voice of reasoning. Paris stopped rocking, but her hands were still in her hand.

"Gwen you were in there was it that bad?" Tonya asked.

"Shadow monsters were controlling everything." Is all I say. I sat down beside Paris and rubbed her back. She let her hair go, and she seemed fine again.

"Let's go. We have to find Arnett." She stood up and started to walk off.

"But Par-" Jewels was about to reject that off.

"No buts. We have a duty to do. Just because I had a little issue doesn't mean we stop. Graham lead the way." Paris stated. Graham compose himself and walked ahead of Paris. This was going to be a long trip.

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