Chapter 23♤

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Chapter 23

"How did-"

"Graham that cave was filled with underground tunnels. This isn't the time to talk though." I turned to my barrier. Cracks were forming at the focal point. Another pound by a ground of demons made the shield collapse.

"Attack with everything."

If fire wasn't a thing here I would change it. My hand enveloped in a blue fire and quickly spread up my arm. A demon grabbed my blue fire arm and quickly disintegrated.

"Blue fire." Gwen said. She shot arrows around us all. As she snapped her fingers electricity shot beacons up. The demons stayed back, not daring to touch the buzzing beacon.

"Paris!" Arnett voice reach my ears. The demons and the fallen parted for her approaching body.

"Arnett!" Some of the Septem yelled.

"Prepare to die." Ice formed in the air hitting the beacons, destroying the arrows holding them in the process.

"Graham, Paris we can handle the demons. You go after her." Ariel yelled to us. Graham ran towards Arnett ready to swing, but her lance hit his side. Graham flew back taking Eugene with him.

"Graham!" I yelled. I turn to Arnett maniacal laughing. Screaming, I start slashing uncontrollably.

"What are you going to do about Paris." Arnett taunted. She jump back from all my attacks, making me chase my tail. I screamed in frustration, slamming my scythe into the ground. Cracks formed and the ground shook. Arnett stopped and ran from the cracks. Fire gushed from the cracks.

"Is that lava?" Gwen asked.

"Yes it is." Ariel said.

Graham ran towards Arnett, jumping over the cracks. His swords came down in a X formation. She brought her lance up quickly blocking his attack. A small dagger appeared at her side, swiftly she stabbed Graham in his stomach. I screamed out in anger running to Graham. With my scythe gone I had no means of protection against Arnett attack. Graham wound was deep, blood poured from it tinting my hands red.

"No!" I screamed. A white light envelope the room. I fell back with my consciousness fading fast.

-Ariel Pov-
Arnett fell to the ground with uneven breaths. Paris laid on her back sleeping soundly. Graham groaned in pain, each groan growing weaker and weaker.

"We have to get them out of here." I said.

"Gwen and Ryder take Graham and Paris to the town. My father should have medics there waiting for us." Tonya said.

Demons creep in the shadows watching Arnett like a hawk. Gwen quickly flew Paris out of the cave, while Ryder struggled with him.

"He's very heavy." Ryder complained. I walk over to Arnett body and start dragging her to the town. How could she betray us like this? We love her like family and yet she does this.

The white light that flashed was like that of angels light, or that of a fallen angel spear. Did a angel save them, or a fallen angel. The fallen angels fled though. No angel was sent to us.

Hello everybody. It feels good to be back. I'm so sorry for not updating. School has just ended for me so I can update freely now. Sadly Moonstone is coming to an end. There's a chapter and an epilogue left. I know I'm sad too.

I hope everyone having a happy summer.

Love, kisses, bye❤

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