Chapter 8♤

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Chapter 8

-Gwen Pov-

I hide in the corner of my room in the dark. What was going on? Everywhere I turn I see floating white dust. Sometimes it's in different colors. What if I go talk to Eva? She might know what's going on. My parents were out of town so I couldn't talk to them. I run out the door and started walking down the street. Paris and I are five doors down from each other. I approached the tall oak doorframe and knocked over and over again. 

"Eva please hurry," I yelled urgently. She opens the door in an out of breath manner. The moment I saw her I cried.

"Oh, honey what's wrong?" She pulls me into her embrace and strokes my hair.

"What's happening to me?" I asked in a hysterical voice. She helps me inside and sits me down on the couch. She gets me some lemonade and I finally calm down.

"Now tell me what's been happening." She said with genuine concern in her eyes.

"After the fight with the fallen angel I've been seeing things," I said.

"What things?" She asked.

"Dust. It's usually in a white, but sometimes in colored. Am I going insane?"

"Oh honey, you're not going insane. Your powers have awakened."

"My powers?" I inquire.

"Yeah, your a pixie. See your only half pixie half Xenovian though and since your brother never got powers so they figured you wouldn't either. When the fallen angel attacked, your genes must of recognize the threat and activated your dormant side. Speaking of pixies, your mother will be back from her errand soon. She will be here in about ten minutes. You can wait in Paris room if you'd like." Eva explained. I nodded and walked up the spiral staircase. That's when I started to freak.

How is this possible? Pixies aren't real. How could mom keep this a secret from us? Dad too. I heard footsteps approach Paris barren room. The door opened to reveal mom. We looked a lot alike. She was tall, with curly brown hair, and striking bright green eyes. Freckles decorated her cheeks and down her neck. She wore a light green tank dress with a black leather belt. She had black strappy sandals and a daisy tattoo on the palm of her hand. There was another tattoo of a butterfly on her inner left thigh.

"Hi, mom," I whispered.

"Hi, Gwen. So your powers came in?" She greeted.

"Yeah. I just found I'm the half pixie, and you're a pixie. And that I have these powers. I'm a freak." I exclaimed.

"No your not. Listen, honey. It's fun to be a pixie. You can change sizes, and you have magic. What you've been seeing is the magic essence. From you see it in different colors means you'll be a very powerful pixie, but with training."

"Where do I train at?" I asked.

"St. Lux of course. I thought you knew this." She answered.

"I get to see Paris again. When do I leave?" I asked.

"Right now. Eva has already set up your registration. Come now." She grasps my hand and we're teleported to a school building. "Okay well here's your room number. By the way, the Septem live out back. So why don't you visit Paris before lights out." Mom says that and disappears.

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