Chapter 13♤

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Chapter 13

Headmaster finally let us off of guard duty. Graham decided to keep my psychic gifts under wraps just incase I can only hear Raziel thoughts. Speaking of Raziel, he went back to the queen side. Mom left for Earth. So I was alone again with Gwen.

"Paris I wish to speak with you." Headmaster came to the Septem house. Usually he never comes here.

"Yes Headmaster." Maids poured us a cup of tea.

"I have been informed of you developing a new gift. Psychic was it?" I nodded.

"Yes I have. I developed it when we were attacked by the fallen angel last week." I explained.

"Fascinating. No one ever develops more than two. Well except the founder of Xenovia of course. This all makes since. Your a descendant of him since your of royal blood." With that he left, leaving me with many questions. No one has seen the Headmasters face. It's always being blocked by his cloaked. I know for a fact his eyes are silver. I can feel them staring at me.

"I saw the Headmaster leave what did he want? Ryder asked.

"Someone told him that I developed a psychic gifts." I sighed. Just becoming more of a freak.

"Oh I think it was one of the pixie helpers. Don't worry everything will calm down." Ryder smiled.

"Ryder, Headmaster said no one ever develops three gifts. How am I suppose to be normal when I developed three gifts." I look at the floor. He threw his arm on my shoulder and hugged me.

"It's over rated to be normal. I mean we fight demons for a living. Some of us become heads of families and then the head of each continent. We're not normal. You just have to cope with your new way of life." Ryder explained. I shrugged his arm off.

"Yeah, I can't change the past. See ya later Ryder." I threw my hand over my shoulder and walked off. It was true. I was bored in my old life.

"Paris. Paris." I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What!" I snapped. I looked behind me and saw Jewels and Ariel. "Oh shit sorry I was thinking of something."

"It's no problem. Where here for your shield training." Ariel grabs my arm and drags me outside.

"Why am I training my psychic gifts again?" I asked.

"Headmaster thinks it will be better for St. Lux defense if you learn so you protect the pixie with a shield." Jewels explained.

"Can't they find someone else?" I question.

"No. Your shield will be stronger since your royal blood and all. Plus shields are rare. Not everyone gets them. Not psychic gifts in general are always there." Ariel explained.

"Fine. I don't even know how to activate it. My gift teacher has only brushed the subject of psychic gifts."

"Then come on. I'm a year older than you I've learned how psychic gift users like you do it." Ariel smiled.

-Few Hours Later-

"Come on Paris. It's been three hours and we all have classes in thirty minutes." Jewels hissed. I sighed.

"Come on. Why don't I go to your mother and slap the shit out of her!" Ariel yelled. I got on my knee again. The pink shield flashes a bit. It stays in place and Ariel runs at it with her ring sword. The moment she hits it, it disappeared.

"Pathetic. And you call yourself a Septem." Jewels pulled back to slap me, but he hand hit a pink shield. It didn't crack it stayed. They smiled.

"Maybe you have talent. Okay clean up we have classes in thirty minutes." Ariel said softly. I ran up to the girls bathroom and started a shower. The girls bathroom was more elborate than the boys.

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