Chapter 21♤

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Chapter 21

The demons were able to parry our every move. Not only that, but the fallen angels weren't letting up on us. Even with Graham taking care of them the holy rays of light kept raining on us.

Tony weapon was attacking everywhere. The chains trapped the demons, but with everyone trapped the chains broke with all the negative energy. Eugene warhammer was damaging enough for Ryder and I to kill them. They just keep coming in waves and waves. It looked like a never ending attack.

"What can we do to stop this?" I yelled to Graham. Gwen was flying above us either putting us a shield or protecting an incoming demon attack.

"It would be a lot of help with Raziel or Eva was here." Ryder yelled. I cut through two demons. The longer we keep our weapons out the less energy we have.

"Paris you can only use electricity and your shield here. Fire gifts don't work." Eugene yelled. I remove my glove and electricity ran up my scythe. I notice electricity running up Graham broadswords. I cut through around demon.

"Everyone clear your minds for me." I yelled. I was going to expand my mental shield to everyone so I could created an electrical wave.

The mental shield show protect everyone physically long enough for the wave. I extend it to some of the Septem, but others were still to focus on the fight. I couldn't wait much longer. I slammed my scythe into the ground just as I felt the shield extend again. Graham followed my lead and he put both of his swords in the ground. A large electric wave raised up and crashed down the fallen angels and demons. They stood back up and kept attacking. I felt all of our shields fall. My energy was almost gone.

"We got to retreat." I say. I notice everyone was sluggish. My scythe was turning back into light.

"Paris your scythe." Gwen said. Her light weapon was out and she fired multiple arrows creating a wall of light.

"Let's go." We turned back and ran. We had to get out of here. As I ran I notice the demons and the fallen didn't follow.

-Alika Pov-

"What do you they got away." Master yelled.

"They just did." I hiss. I was pissed. Paris should of fled when she healed me. Master gripped his oak throne sending a chipping sound through the room.

"Alika find them. Kill her."

-Paris Pov-

We could only make it to a cave a little ways from the town. It was dark and cold and damp. Everyone was tired. I couldn't even hold my shield. I had to stay up through. As long as I kept the shield up the wind/rain couldn't make it through the entrence.

"Paris you need to get some rest." Ariel whispered trying not to wake Ryder or Eugene.

"I can't let the shield drop." I say. The shield fades a little, but it push more into making it stronger. If it fell someone could get sick.

"I can put a wall of wind up. It will keep us warm along with keeping the weather up." She offered.

"You barely have enough energy to sit up."

"And you don't!" She tried not to raise her voice, but it echo through the cave.

"If only we could start a fire." Jewels said.

"If want to try, but apparently fire doesn't work here." I say.

"Because it doesn't." Tonya hisses.

"If Paris tries maybe she can start one. Then we can all get some sleep." Graham spoke. I crawled to the center of the circle and formed a little pit. I snap my fingers for the fire to start, but it doesn't.

"See I to-" Flames erupt from the pit giving us some warmth. My shield drops, and I collapse back up.

"Paris!" Gwen shrieks.

"Don't ever try doing that again." Jewels says.

"It felt like part of my essence was being pulled out." I gasp. Graham pulls me beside him and has me leaned against the wall.

"Weird. Fire isn't suppose to exist on Aquilia. Paris what did you do?" Tony asked.

"I just concentrated on the wood and then it happened." I say. My eyes start to droop and a yawn slips out. I fell my head fall on Graham shoulder as I fall asleep.

-Next Day-
I woke up with Graham head on my lap, and Ariel legs on my legs. My neck was stiff. I couldn't bare sitting like this anymore. Pushing Graham head off my lap and Ariel legs off mine as I get up.

"Ugh." Graham groans as his head hits the ground.

"Get-" the room became dizzy and I fell back to the ground.

"Your ability to regenerate your origin must be cut off. We'll have Jewels to cut off the cave while you stay and rest." Graham stood up with the rest of the Septem and Gwen. Each one summoning their weapons in the purest form.

"Ariel take my place as Dou till I'm able to fight again. Per lumen beátum(blessed by light)." They started to walk out with the cave closing up slowly. I sighed and twisted my hair. I didn't want to sit here. They were out fighting demon while I was stuck. I heard some rocks falls. Getting up slowly I carefully sneak to the rocks.

Black feathers?

A bond tugged and had me to go forward.

"Alika." I whispered.


"This is the entrence to your hide out isn't it?" I asked.

"You need to get out of here."

"I can't Jewels closed the cave up. Why do you care aways? God if-"

"Paris stop. You need to leave. Master has sent out an order to kill you. I don't, but as long as this bond is still alive you can't die." Alika hissed.

"Whatever I'll just follow the path you came."


"Alika I couldn't care less for what you have to say. I've followed my own damn path since the moment I knew you existed. I've know you existed since I was five. Even though my mother messed with my memories, I know who you were from the beginning. So please leave me alone you fallen." I hissed out. Leaving him in shock I continued down the path.

I needed energy. If I didn't get any soon I wouldn't be able to help the others. I wanted to save Arnett and no one was going to stop me.

Hey everyone, sorry for this extremely late update. My finals was right around the last time I updated and I had to focus on that. I love writing this story. It's my favorite one I've written so far.

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Love, kisses, bye❤

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