Chapter 7♤

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Chapter 7

They open the door to a large science facility. Different machines everywhere. People in lab coats, while students were hooked up to machines. I saw that in a tube was Arnett. 

"Ah, the Septem. Here to Arnett are you? Well, she received damage to her internal organs so we had to put her in a regeneration tube. Plus she didn't fully dodge her electrical attack so she got electrocuted." The doctor explained.

"No were here to have Paris gifts tested." Jewels smacked her gum.

"Fine come with me." The doctor had me to sit down in a chair. "Now what's your gift?" The doctor asked.

"Fire and electricity," I said.

"Okay were first going test your fire ability. Let's see how hot it is first. The angry you are the hotter it will be. So think about what makes you angry." The doctor said. The first thing that came to mind was my father. He left us. "100, 120, 150, 175. That's fair-" fallen angels came to mind next. "350, 400, 600, 900, 1100." They stopped the machine and I stopped.

"Anger issues much." Tonya

"Well if she would of went further then she would have melted the metal. Now voltage. Just relax." The doctor said. Lightning bounced between my hand and the machine. "500 wats. Good. She has very powerful gifts. Her fire gift is one of the hottest I've ever tested and her electricity has the highest voltage I've tested." The doctor proclaimed.

"Oh yeah, she needs a glove," Ryder said. The doctor nodded and gave me a white fingerless glove. I slip it on my left hand.

"Wait there's something in your blood." The doctor said.

"What's in my blood?" I asked.

"Light particles." He answered.

"Light particles?" I question.

"Light particles is what gathers so our light weapons form." Tony explained.

"Correct. It's never in the body usually. Though there have been some cases. Don't worry about it. If unusual stuff happens just come back and we'll see what's wrong." The doctor said.

"Well, that was fun." Jewels said.

"Yeah totally," I said sarcastically.

"Come on we still have night classes. What's your sixth class?" Graham asked.

"Ah advance gifts control," I answer.

"You're with me." Jewels smacked. She looped her arm through mine and dragged me through the halls. The students starred daggers at me.

"Why are people staring?" I asked.

"Because they saw you with Raziel. Every girl here is smitten with him except Ariel and I. I'm dating Ryder so I couldn't care less." She explained. She stopped at a door and knocked. The door vanished revealing a classroom full of people. "Sorry teach we were in the science facility getting Paris gifts tested."

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence, but I told you next time bring a pixie note." The teacher said. She was tall with a light blue hair in a lob (long bob), and black eyes. She wore a navy pan suit with black high heels. She wore white gloves and black flowers in her hair. "Hello, I'm Mrs. Rosalia and your Paris Celia."

"Why is she in this class. Her gifts are basic." I heard a girl whispered. I turn my head to see Arnett she waved with a smirk on her face.

"Hello, I see you already know my name," I say slightly twirling my hair.

"Who doesn't know your name. You sent Arnett to a regeneration chamber." A student said. She earned an icy glare from Arnett and a kick.

"Arnett don't hurt her just because she says the truth," I smirked.

"Ladies please if you're going to fight make it a gifts only fight." Mrs. Rosalia says as she stepped in between us.

"No thanks, I'd rather not." I shivered. Ice was forming at my feet and slowly on my arms. I start melting the ice back. "Sorry hun, but you will have to try harder than that." Electricity slips through my fingers tips and gathers into a hall on my hand. I threw it towards her and she dodges. Arnett ran and tackled me. Jewels come up behind her and pull her off me.

"Arnett you know I'm stronger than you. Don't make me hurt you." Jewels yelled.

"Don't touch me bitch!" She screamed as she froze Jewels. A silver gun appeared at Arnett's head.

"Unfreeze Jewels now," Ryder yelled.

"Ryder coming to rescue his girlfriend as usual," Arnett says. She doesn't move to unfreeze her. I walk over to Jewels and place my gloveless hand on her shoulder. The ice melts to reveal a freezing Jewels. Ryder lets his light weapon fade.

"Arnett report to the headmaster office." Mrs. Rosalia says as she gives Jewels a blanket. "Thanks Ryder for stepping in. Please go back to your class here's a pixie note. Jewels and Paris please take your seat." I look for an empty seat, but Jewels just pulls me.

"The students are required to let a Septem sit where they want too. We are like the Queen's and Kings of this school." Her desk was in the very top row of the classroom, and the first seat of the row. The student beside her immediately got up and moved for me. I nodded a thank you and sat down.

"Oh, Paris here's your textbook." Mrs. Rosalia said. The desks basically moved my book to the top row. I stared in awe as it finally reaches me. "Thank you, Jewels for sending it up." Mrs. Rosalia thanked her.

"No problem Teach." She smiled an award-winning smile.

"Now for today lesson, we'll be talking about psychic gifts."

Hey everyone and happy new years. I hope everyone will have a great new year. I will definitely will. So this is one of my more slower chapters.

Paris is getting the feel for the school, she got to know the Septem. Gwen will be coming back in later chapters. She is going to play a major role in the series, and I'm thinking that Gwen will get her own spin-off book. How does that sound? Let me know what you think.

Love, kisses, bye

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