Chapter 4♤

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Chapter 4

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. Everything was white. It was cold. 

"Oh good, you're finally awake." A lady in a nurses outfit said.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Oh, the infirmary of St. Lux Academy." She answered as Raziel and mother walked in.

"Sweetie are you okay. You fainted from using your light weapon too soon." Mom patted my hair.

"You're a scythe wielder. Strange. Not many scythe wielders around. Powerful weapons if I do say." Raziel inquiries.

"We've got to get you dress. You have a meeting with the head master here." Mom says as she pulls me up. She hands me a dress and shoves me in the bathroom. I hated dresses. It was light blue and went to my thighs. It had lace sleeves, and a cut out on my chest. The dress had a weird crest on it, a lion head with two swords crossed through it on the bottom of my skirt. I pulled my hair up into a high pony tail and come out of the bathroom.

"I hate dresses," I grunted.

"You look lovely sweetie." Mom hugged me. Raziel and mom lead me down the halls. Students starred at us as I walked. Girls gave me jealous stares. I'm guessing they have a crush on Raziel. We reach two oak with elaborate swirl designs. Raziel knocks on the door. They open revealing a group of people sitting around a table in black cloaks.

"Ah, Paris Celia so glad you could join us." A man voice said.

"Hello." I greeted.

"You will be joining us at St. Lux Academy. Since your a scythe wielder your classes will be a bit different from your a freshman and have your light weapon. Right now all of our freshmen are learning to summon theirs. So you will be put in all advance classes. And our other scythe wielders are a sophomore and a junior. You will have a normal magic class to learn your gifts. Combat we don't know which one to put you in. Then history and monsters will be advance. You will spend six years here and then become a knight. After being a knight for at least two years you can retire. You will live on campus for a time with the normal students, and probably with a roommate. Any questions, no. Okay here is your schedule and your dorm room. I hope to see you again." The headmaster explained.

A knife flew at my head and I kicked it down. A chair fell down in the corner.

"This little tramp doesn't deserve to be here. Too many other people want to be in this school. Just because her parents are the famous Knights Eva Sinclair, Silas Celia. She doesn't know our customs, she doesn't know how to fight, she doesn't even know how to wield her scythe." A girl yelled.

She had long green hair braided into a fishtail, dull black eyes, and white skin. She wore a navy ruffled skirt, white spaghetti strap, and navy blazers. The blazer had a white lining, and that weird crest once again. On her side was a brown belt with a sword in a sheath. The white stocking that went to her highs and black high heels.

"Ah, Arnett how lovely of you to show up. I'd knew you'd eventually show yourself. How will you settle this?" Another voice asked.

"I Arnett Vasquez challenge you to a battle in a week time. If I win she leaves and I get to chose someone to replace her, and if she wins I will step down from my title as one of the Septem Knights of Angelus." She said.

"Now Arnett, Paris barely knows how to uses her light weapon." My mom interjects.

"I don't care. Do you accept the challenge of not?" She asked.

"I accept," I said.

"Good the duel will be in one week," Arnett said.

"No Tomorrow," I said.

"Well, aren't we confident." She says as she walks out the door. I already didn't like this bitch.

"Eva, Raziel I trust that you'll train her," Headmaster said. They nodded. "Good, because I really don't want to lose Paris." Raziel, mom, and I place our hands over our hearts and bow, then walk out.

"Paris are you insane. You don't know how to control your scythe." Raziel scowled.

"Then you'll just have to teach me," I said.

"Training grounds now," Mom ordered. She grabbed my forearm and dragged me. We exited through a large out. The sun blinded me for a minute. Next thing I know mom throws me on the ground. "Summon your scythe." She orders. There's a scary look in her eyes.

I try, but it won't come. " I can't." I hiss.

"No you can, but you're lazy. Feel the grace of angels in you and let it flow out and form your weapon." Raziel said, with a hint of annoyance. I close my eyes and waited for this all mighty grace. Deep down a flame ignite in me. I reach my hand out and the scythe touches my skin. I open my eyes to see the scythe made out of light.

"Now make it solid." Mom said. I hold on to it and slowly the cool metal forms around my hand. It was gold, with a white blade with different swirl patterns. "Good."

"As long as she can make it solid she's okay," Raziel said.

"Now what does Arnett use?" Mom asked.

"She uses a lance, and she has ice as her gift," Raziel said.

"Well both distance, so that means she might be able to win this hand to hand. Most distance people don't know how to fight hand to hand." Mom inquiries.

"But remember, Arnett is seated number two in the Septem Knights of Angelus. That means her seat is Gabriel." Raziel said.

"Number two. I thought she would be like five or four, but not two." I yelled.

"No, she a well-trained woman. And she's in her fourth year too." Raziel said.

"Well, we can't worry about it. It's getting late and you need your rest." Mom said as she pulled me back to the room they gave us. It was plain, all white. Just like the infirmary. I flop down on the bed. Sleep soon fell on me.

The next day

Someone pulled me out of my good dream.

"Five more minutes mom," I grumbled and smack their hand away.

"Nope, we got to get you ready for this battle." Mom pulled me out of bed. My butt hit the cold floor.

"That hurt." I hissed.

"Boo hoo. Whine more." Raziel says as he pushes a tray full of food into the food. The minute the aroma of pancakes filled my nostrils I jump up and grab a plate.

"Paris eat like a lady." Mom grumbled. I continue to eat sloppy until I finished. Mom hands me a uniform and I go and change. The fabric was sticking to my skin. It breathed and wasn't heavy. It was navy and sleeveless, with ruffles on my chest. A navy high waisted skirt made me tuck in my shirt. Mom threw my black vans in. I out them on and pulled my hair back into a pony tail.

"Let's get this show on the road," I said.

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