Chapter 5♤

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Chapter 5

I was getting nervous. She was number two between the seven. And she was a fourth year. My hand grips my skirt.  

"Calm down Paris. You'll do fine. Even if you lose you won't be kicked out. This is all for a show. Between me and your father, they wouldn't dare turn you away. Especially when your brother is the queen guard." Mom said.

I was going to risk my life for a show. I know fighting can make people monsters, but not like this. Mom noticed my anger and smirk. Being here with her, I noticed a change in her. She was like a savage.

"I'm ready. Announce me." I barked an order.

"Baroness Arnett Vasquez III seated second of the Septem Knights of Angelus vs Princess Paris Celia, daughter of Eva Sinclair-Celia, and our decrease King Silas Celia." Someone came over and said.

Princess! I was far from the princess. "Oh did I forget to mention. Your father was king before he disappeared. But he's far from deceased." Mom whispered as she pushed me out.

"Well little miss princess, I hope you're ready to fight," Arnett said mockingly. She summoned her lance. It was silver with purple stones etched into it. The blade was curved and had a rose pattern on it.

"Of course." The light formed into my hand and I twirled around and summoned my scythe. She started swinging. I blocked with my scythe head. She aimed for my legs. I jumped and planted the head of my scythe on the ground and swung over her. I let my scythe turn back into light as I land. I got into a fighting stance.

-Headmaster Pov-
Paris fighting style was different. She let her weapon go which is rare to do in a fight. Arnett was getting angry. When she's angry she does rash things. She swung at Paris again. Paris rolled under her swing and kicked Arnett's hand. Interesting, Paris was turning this into a close combat match. Arnett kicked her back. Paris flew and hit the back wall.

-Paris Pov-
"You know what I hate little princess like you? You get whatever you want without trying." I use the wall as my support as I slowly get up. "I also hate girls you think they can steal my position as one of the Septem. Well, your not princess. You're not even going to walk out of here alive today."

-Headmaster Pov-
Arnett created dozens of ice blades. She sent them towards Paris. With no place to dodge, they came towards her. Red flashes in her eyes and dust cover the field.

-Paris Pov-
The blades came towards me. I couldn't run anywhere. My brother said I had a gift, but what. The ice comes closer.

"No!" I shriek. A fire erupted from my hand destroying the blades. Fire. I have fire. Dust and smoke filled the air as they melted. I felt a buzz in the air. Electricity surrounded my other hand.

"Dammit!" Arnett said. I threw the electricity. She dodges it. Summoning my scythe once again I swing it towards her. The head hits her and she flies back.

"Didn't you say I wouldn't be making it out of this fight?" I walked forward as she was getting up. She rubbed her head and I smirked. Using the end without a blade I hit her in the stomach. She coughs up blood and falls down. All I do is walk out.

"You saw it here first folks. Our new Gabriel, our number two of Septem Knights of Angelus, Princess Paris Celia." The announcer said.

"You're a dou element user. Electricity and fire. What a wonderful combination." Mom patted my back.

"Now then I'm a Septem. What's different now?" I asked.

"Well, first you need a uniform like Arnett. This is the normal uniform. Hers was the Septem." Mom said.

"They should of have one already made for you at the Septem housing. Let's take you there." Raziel said.

"How do you know about the Septem?" I asked.

"Well I was number five, and Raziel was number one. Your father was number one with me." Mom said. We walked outside and across a field. Their housing was much further than the schoolyard. Trees surrounded the dark abyss around us. I swear I saw a red flash through the trees. I grabbed on to moms' arm. "Don't dally Paris. The demons are waiting for easy prey." Mom said.

We approach a stone brick mansion. Mom push open the door. It looks like a normal house. A grand staircase was on the right wall. I'm guessing it led to the bedrooms. Mom wouldn't let me explore the downstairs - she pulled me up the stairs and to a bedroom. She didn't let me in either.

"This is your room. Arnett should have everything out tonight. I will have your stuff deliver here. Oh and don't worry about anything while your here-no one will hurt you. They will try, but the Septem will back you up." Mom explained. I nodded and she hugged Raziel and I. "Well I'll be off. Gotta pack my baby girl room up. Don't be afraid of your elements either. Electricity was mine." Mom winked and ran down the stairs.

A bell rang through the hall. Why was a bell ringing?

"The Septem are about to eat dinner. Come now let's meet them." Raziel said and he led me down the stairs and to an open room. It was painted cream, and had oak wood flooring. Red curtain tied back from the window showing a little sunlight. Candles were lite up on the wall. A large oak table sat in the middle surrounded by red matted chairs.

People came I'm from a side door and stopped when they saw me.

"Arnett lost. Surprising. Who are you again?" A girl with lavender hair in a high ponytail said. She had light blue eyes and pale skin. She wore the same uniform as Arnett, but the only thing that was different is that she had purple rose pins on her jacket. A silver chain hung from her neck.

Ending this here meet the rest of the Septem next chapter. How do you guys like this story so far? Merry Christmas everyone.

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