Chapter 3♤

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Chapter 3

"Gwen, how fast can you get here?" I asked.

"And hello to you too. Say about five minutes."

"Cool big update." I hung up and got a smoothie.

"Sweetie, St. Lux isn't so bad. You'll be there for about six years then you become a Knight of Angelus. That's what your brother, father, and I did." Mother said. I glare at her.

"Wait for what, you're a Knight?" I repeated.

"Oops, I let that slip. Yes, but I'm retired. I stopped so I could raise you." Mom placed her soft silky hand on my face. Mom herself was genuinely upset. We didn't look alike at all. She had a bright red hair and piercing green eyes. Her skin was pale and freckles decorate her face. She was tall striking at 5'8, while I was only 5'3. She wore a black pencil skirt and a white blouse with a bow tied around her neck. Different jewelry decorated her neck, and wrist in striking bright colors like neon pink, and purple. Mom had a tattoo though. It was a pair of angel wings on the inside of her left thigh. She wore a variety of heels, but her favorite was her sleek black pumps. Mother was a fashion designer so she took her appearance very seriously.

That's how I was named Paris. Mom favorite city is Paris. She loves the whole atmosphere. So she named me Paris so I would have that attitude and that people will feel comfortable around me. I loved my name, but I also got bullied for it. I showed them though.

"Girl what was the reason you wanted me to rush!" Gwen busted through the door panting hard. She recomposes herself as soon as Raziel walked in. "And who is the hunk." She whispered. Raziel was smirking as he leaned on the oak doorframe.

"My brother Raziel," I answer meekly.

"The brother that disappeared when we were like four?" She questioned. I nodded.

"Hello Gwen, pretty as ever." Gwen almost passed out when he winked at her. I grabbed Gwen arm before she could say anything and dragged her out.

"Gwen I have to tell you something." I sighed.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I'm leaving for another school in another world, to become a knight," I said with a straight face. She busted out laughing.

"That's a good one, now tell me what's really going on?" She couldn't process it.

"I'm serious. I'm leaving." I said. She stopped laughing and tears filled her eyes.

"What!" Tears fell and all I could do is cry with her. "You can't leave me. Who's going to be the peanut butter to my jelly?" She cried hard. All I could do was hug and cry with her. "Wait how can I be sent to this school?" She asked.

"You can't. You don't have angel blood in you." Raziel said.

"How do you know this. You don't know my family." She sneered. Her mascara was running down her face. She tried to wipe it away, but it got worst.

"Because if you were you would be able to see this." His arm was covered in tattoos that I didn't notice before.

"Shit! I don't want you to leave." She hugged me tighter.

"I have too." I cried.

"Paris you can have five more minutes with her, but then I'm taking you to Xenovia." He said sternly. That made Gwen cry harder. Gwen and I had been together since first grade. Without me, there wasn't a dynamic duo. Yeah, she had other friends, but I knew her darkest secret.

Five minutes seem past fast. We mostly sat in silence, but a few sniffles were muffled by the pillows we held to our chest. Raziel came to my room and pulled me away from. I broke free from her grip and hugged Gwen one last time.

"This isn't goodbye. I'll be back in six years." I said.

"Then our lives will have just started. I don't want to forget about you P." She cried.

"Who could forget this bitch." I cried. A bang was heard and mother came flying into the back wall. "Gwen go to my room," I yelled. She was shocked with fear. Suddenly the guy that attack me emerge.

"Paris Celia nice to see you again. Now prepare to die." The evil melodic voice said. Mom stood up and popped her bones.

"Hello fallen angel, why don't you fight someone with power." Mom said. An evil glint tinted her eyes as a whip of light appeared in her hand.

"Though I love the challenge I came to kill her," Mom grunted and ran up to him. Gwen was cowering in fear. I grabbed her wrist and pushed her into the bathroom. Mom was busy slashing her whip to notice that she was wounded on her left arm.

Raziel had his sword prepare in case mom went down. The fallen angel hit the back of mom's neck making her fall. She tried getting up, but it was like she had no muscle.

"Do you like that trick? It's my favorite for senior Knights like you." He hissed. Raziel started to attack him, but the angel just pushed him to the wall. Dark tethers wrapped around Raziel body and keep him from moving. "Do you feel my dark essence. It will slowly cut through your body. Now for you." His eyes darken as they land on me. I back up.

"Run!" Mom screamed, fear etching in her voice. The angel flies and grabs me by the neck. My back hits the wall. He was choking the life right out of me.

"No." I croaked. A light flashed and the angel flew back, dropping me in the process. I stand up and a scythe of light formed from my hands. The angel looked surprised but came back to me. I spin the scythe around me as I continue my dance with the angel. My scythe warps around his midsection. "Bye." I hissed as I cut through him.

He disappears in a flash of light. I start feeling light headed as my scythe disappears. Next thing I know darkness surrounds me.

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