Chapter 24♤

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Chapter 24

-3rd Person View-
Everyone gathered in the courtyard, all dressed in all black except the Septem. Lux had lost one of their one. Tears fell from certain people's eyes.

"Today we cry for the death of Arnett Vasquez." The headmaster voice came over the cries. Septems faces were that of stone. Even the Vasquezs were statues. Arnett body laid on a funeral pyre with torches on four pillars. Mr. and Mrs. Vasquez took two torches and lite the pyre. Arnett body slowly burned as people walked away. It was tradition to walk away when the body was on fire. It was said that if you watched the body burn their soul would get shy and stay instead of moving on.

-Paris Pov-
"Let's go see Graham." I say. Graham has been in a regeneration tube for three weeks. Three weeks since our last fight. Three weeks since we've heard nothing. Three weeks since Arnett death.

I haven't heard anything from Alika. He dropped off Xenovia again. Fallen angels what pests. I leave the lab quietly so no one will notice me. I felt eyes on me and turned around.

"Alika." I whisper.

"Paris, it's been awhile. I came to check up on you. I needed to make sure you didn't die." The words roll off his tongue, but I don't understand completely.

"Alika it's dangerous for you to be here, please go before the Septem or even Gwen spots you." I look away not wanting to look him in the eye.

"No I need to tell you something. It's about your father. He's alive, but he has to stay away because of the queen."

"Alika my father dead, please just leave." I walked off. I knew my father was alive. I knew the queen is rotten. I knew a lot of things, but acted dumb. Hearing his wings flap away I breath just a bit. He was gone. That's what mattered.

The Septem voices soon reached me as they left the lab. I turn and joined them.

"Where did you run off too Paris?" Tony asked.

"Just wanted some air." I lied. Alika was my dirty little secret and they couldn't know that I talked to him. "Feeling better Graham?"

"Much better, let's get back to the house." Graham said.

"Gwen there waiting for us with some pixie helpers. Since you've been regenerating for the past three weeks you have a lot of classes to catch up on." Ariel said. I yawned and kept walking. A lot of things don't add up. It worries me how easy that fight was. It worries me how easy Arnett died. I chew on my thumbnail as I walked.

"Hey Paris cheer up, we're all fine now." Eugene patted my back.

"This girl was worried sick about you for the past three weeks Graham." Jewels giggled.

"Don't read into it. Of course he was in there a long time." I snapped. Ryder opened the doors and the pixies greeted us.

"Paris I need to speak to you." Gwen said. She pulled me to the next room.

"The queen has requested an audience with you tomorrow."


"I don't know. I have been requested to come too."

"We'll go tomorrow. I wonder if she wants me to denounce my name as a Celia. Who knows. Let's get back to the Septem Gwen." I smiled. I was happy I'm meeting queen bitch.

Hey everyone, one more chapter left. I know I'm sad too. But on a more happy note my birthday is in nine days. I'm going to be fifteen. Every year my grandma gets me two dozen brownies at a bakery in my neighborhood. Oh they're so divine. They're like my drug. Question what your guys favorite sweet.

Love, kisses, bye❤

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