Chapter 17♤

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Chapter 17

"Alika." I repeated. He is a beautiful man. Angels and fallen were know for being beautiful beings. Nathaniel and Lord Vasquez stood behind out all of us. Gwen eyed him. A look of disgust filled her eyed. Fallen and pixies clashed a few times.

"So your came looking for little Arnett. You know she came willing. Turn back around Paris." His eyed filled with hatred to me.

"I'm not custos(guardian in latin)." His eyes widen at my response.

"So you know. Clever girl. How long have you known?" He asked.

"Since you attacked me the third time. My memories maybe of been blocked by someone on Etheridge, but I have my own psychic gifts." I summoned my scythe and slammed it into the ground. An electric current shot up through the ground and towards Alika. He dodged it fast.

"Someone improved, but it won't help against me."

"Paris can I handle him? I've got some bad blood that needs to settle." Gwen asked.

"Go for it. Let's see how well you do." Graham answered. Gwen has hated Alika ever sense he activated her genes when he attacked. Gwen translucent wings sprouted from her back.

"Hello Gwen. Good to see you again." Alika had a smirked plastered on his face.

Now if I use the crystal master gave me, Gwen should get trapped in it.

Alika thoughts crossed my mind. He was going to trap Gwen. He threw a shiny object at Gwen. I had to react. I pushed my mental shield past me and to Gwen. She was pushed down by it and hit the ground with a thud.

"What the fuck P." Gwen yelled.

"I'll explain later. Ariel don't let her leave that spot. Jewels and Tonya-"

"Just attack the bloody fallen." Nathaniel yelled.

"Shut up. Jewels Tonya you can handle him." I shouted. Graham grabbed my arm as I my weapon disappear.

"What did you hear?" He asked, but came out more as a order.

"He was going to trapped Gwen in a crystal. I had to do something." I said and pulled my arm from his grasp. Gwen and Tonya weapon wasn't really doing much, even though they should.

Gwen got free from Ariel and flew back in the air. She summoned her bow and released arrows. I tried another shield to bring her down, but she blocked my mental abilities to her. A pain hit my head as she did and I fell to my knees.

"Don't Gwen she's protecting you." Graham yelled.

"I don't need protection." She hissed as another arrow was release. This arrow hit Alika on his wings. He grunted, but still threw.

He reached in his pocket and grabbed another crystal. He released and it had a direct path to Gwen.

"No." I screamed through the pain. I summoned my weapon and vaulted myself in the air. I touched the crystal first. I was sucked in by a black light.

-Gwen Pov-

"Paris!" We shouted. Alika laughed and flew away with the crystal. I descended to the ground. The Septem looked angry, no pissed. Pissed at me or pissed at losing Paris. I don't know.

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