Chapter 6♤

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"Hey Raziel, did you miss me, baby?" A girl with black hair with yellow eyes, and tan skin. Once again she had the same uniform, except she had a bunch of studs on her jacket, and she wore combat boots. Raziel rolled his eyes.  

 "Hi, I'm sorry for their behavior. We couldn't see the duel because we had another event that kept us busy. We weren't expecting Arnett to lose her position since most princesses aren't trained in combat." A guy with scarlet hair, black eyes, and tan skin said. He must've been wearing the male Septem uniform. It was a pair of navy trousers, and a white dress shirt. He wore an open navy overcoat with a white lining and the crest on her left shoulder. He wore a pair of white gloves.

"It's fine. I didn't even know I was a princess till today so I'm not a normal one. I was raised on earth with my mother." I said.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Graham, the lavender hair girl is Ariel, and the black hair girl is Tonya, but call her Tony." The redhead guy spoke again. The two girls waves. All three say down.

"Hello, madam Ryder." He took my hand and kissed it. He had ash blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He wore the guys uniform and a spike choker. He sat with the rest of them.

"I'm Jewels." The girl smacked her gum. She has dark purple hair, and piercing purple eyes, and pale skin. She wore the girls uniform as normal, but she wore her coat on her waist. She sat down and continued to blow her gum.

"I'm Eugene." He held out his hand to shake which I gladly accept. He had bright orange hair and golden eyes. A tattoo of a snake was on both if his hands and up his neck. He wore the boy uniform but didn't have his shirt tucked. I took the empty seat. I saw Raziel standing there.

"Raziel you can leave now." I hissed. They gasp.

"Omg, you just disrespected the Queen's guard." Jewels said.

"Yeah and. He's my brother what do you expect?" I said.

"I wouldn't worry about it. She hasn't seen me since she was three. Paris, mother will be back in three hours. I hope you make my sister comfortable." He said as he walked out.

"Now you're the new number two. You seem more fun than Arnett. I'm number seven." Ryder says as he sips his water.

"I'm number six, Tony five, Eugene is four, Ariel three, and Graham is one." Jewels smack her gum once again.

"Jewels must you continue smacking," Tony complained.

"Tony after that meeting with the queen I can't help myself." Jewels smacked again.

"Your quiet aren't you. Shocking since you are the princess." Graham said.

"I didn't know I was a princess till the fight." I run my fingers through my hair.

"How?" Ariel asked.

"Well, I've been on Earth since I was born. I never meet my father, and my mother never spoke of Xenovia or St. Lux. I was attacked by a fallen angel and next thing I know I'm being sent here." I explained

"A fallen angel. Fun. We love fighting them." Eugene said.

"Well, I hate them. This one came after me twice and the last time it forced me the summon my light weapon." I say.

"A freshman having a light weapon this soon. Interesting. That doesn't happen very often. What's your weapon?" Jewels asked.

"Scythe," I answer.

"Cool, I've never met a scythe wielder. Is it true what they say? That all scythe wielder are able to take souls. I bet that's how you won the duel. You took her soul." Tonya asked.

"No, I won because my gifts saved my life. Actually, I barely used my weapon at all."

"Gifts as in plural. Interesting, what are they?" Graham asked.

"Fire, and electricity," I answer. People came in with food. There were plates full of steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and corn. They filled our glasses with wine. Ariel took my hand and yelped. It was the hand that the electricity came from. "What the?"

"With electricity, it dances on your skin. And when you feel the buzz in the air that means there's a lot of quintessence in the air. So most people wear gloves to keep from shocking people." Ariel explained as someone brought her an ice pack.

"Let me see." Jewels said as she grabbed my hand that had fire. "Awh nothing happened." She pouted.

"That was the hand that I used fire," I said.

"Strange usually you feel it in both hands," Eugene says as he took a sip of his wine.

"After dinner, we should take her to have her gifts tested," Ryder spoke.

"That's a good idea. Figure out why she has electricity in only one hand, and fire in the other." Tonya said. We ate dinner in peace until I got a question.

"What does it mean that I've seated Gabriel?" I asked.

"That's the original angel that had your seat. There's Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Lucifer, Abaddon, and Beelzebub." Ariel answered. I nodded and finished eating. Everyone finished shortly after and got up.

"Come on. Your room should be empty now so go change your uniform and meet us downstairs." Jewels pushed me up the stairs, making me trip slightly. I walked into my room. It was painted purple. My favorite color. Some boxes were placed around with my name on it. Mom must have come already. Over on the mattress was a uniform. I slipped it on quickly and walk out.

"At the testing center, they see how well your gift is developed, and how powerful it is," Ryder explained. I stayed towards the back of the group. Hearing then chat, you could tell they knew each other for long. I didn't realize we stop walking till Ariel pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Come on. This will probably take an hour." Ariel grabbed my electricity hand again and yelped. "Remember to get her a glove, guys."

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