Chapter 20♤

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Chapter 20

Paris Pov-

It was eating at me. The vision of my father. He said he would return when I was eighteen. Eighteen. The number rang threw my head. I was going to be eighteen in a few months. Five to be exact. Why did he leave? The question racked through my brain.

"Paris I was asking you a question." Graham pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry what did you say?" I asked.

"What's your opinion on where their hideout is?"

"In that mountian. I can feel my connection to Alika."

"The connection should of broke when he became a fallen." Graham hissed. He was right my connection with Alika should of severed when he fell. Just add that to the many list of questions. I looked at my feet and saw some blood. It was a trail. No one seemed to notice it. I started to fall behind everyone, hoping to sneak away.

With everyone walking ahead I rush off to the source of the blood. I think it was Alika. Yeah I told the Septem to go to the mountain because who wouldn't hide there. Following the trail lead me to a gaint rock. Alika had in eyes closed, sitting on the ground leaning against the rock. I approached him.

"Alika." I say. He eyes fly open as he looks at me.

"Paris what do you want?" He voice sounded cold as he spoke. His eyes looked cold, but if you search deeper you could see pain. I look at his wing and see it badly damaged.

"I followed the trail of blood. The Septem didn't noticed I left." I touch his wing and he winces. "Your hurt."

"Of course your little friends sliced up my wings." He snarls. I reach into my bag and grab the pixie blood we were given. Rubbing it on his wounds causes it to heal. "W-why are you helping me?"

"Because I want too."

"You weren't suppose to get in the crystal. I never wanted you too, but I couldn't stop it when it happened." He says. I look at him in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter. I did it to save my friend. Even if it risked hearing things I didn't want to hear." I sat down beside him and sigh. "Do you really think I'm a thorn in your side."

"Yes, but only because you were the first ever Xenovian I ever had to guardian."

"Why did you fall?" I asked.

"For reasons I don't want to talk about. " I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. He got up and unfolded his newly healed wings.

"I wish I could help you." I say. He turns back to me. His eyes piercing through my soul.


"Because maybe you didn't deserve to fall. From what my memories show is that you weren't bad."

"I am now, so don't bother trying. Bye Paris." He flew off leaving me alone. A few feathers fall softly to the ground. I pick it up and stare at it. Alika. I slip it into my bag and try to caught up with the Septem.

-Graham Pov-

"Paris." I say her name. We needed to make a strategy. She didn't say anything back and I turned around. I notice her leaving the group following blood. She must be finishing off the bloody fallen angel.

I look at Ariel. Her wounds were healing thanks to pixie blood. Her uniform was tattered. Dust and grim covered everyone. A few minutes later Paris was back at my side.

"I assumed you finished off that fallen angel." I whisper.

"No he was gone when I got there."

"Okay. I was hoping he was dead." I notice her unclenched and clenched her jaw. I shrugged her off and kept going.

-Paris Pov-
I didn't know if I could kill Alika. He may be a fallen, but he could be save. I had a strong belief that all fallen to get saved. No one is born evil, your made into evil. I grip my skirt tight and took deep breaths.

"Our mission is to get Arnett. That's all." I say finally able to shake all of my anger.

"If there's any demons or fallen angels were killing them." Graham voice sounded cold. He must of had a bad time with demons.

"Graham you know as well as I do we're just suppose to just get Arnett. Demons and fallen are collateral damage." I said lowly.

Only Graham and I knew what went on in the background. You could say the way the Septem ran was as corrupted as demons. We were suppose to envision fear. We were children also.

"We'll be in the village of Nebulous soon. We can stay there for tonight." Tony yelled. The dirt road we travel became thinner as we approach a city gate.

"This town is at the base of the mountain." I heard Eugene say. Gasps flew out of some of our mouths as we saw the town. It was in ruins. People screamed and ran around. They were being chased by demons. The dark creatures physically deformed with red eyes stared down their prey.

"Attack." I spoke. A smirk plastered my face as demons notice us. All of our light weapons were summon, except Gwen. My scythe head crashed to the ground causes a small shake. All the stories about demons were fake.

Demons were not scared of God or anything holy. They weren't into afraid to go into churches. Only pure light could harm them. Not all light weapons could damage demons. If you had a pure aura then it could over come one, but the more corrupted you are the easier for them to destroy you.

The Septem were suppose to envision purity. We were the Warriors of God. Our role was to be the pathway between between the Guardians and Xenovian. Gwen froze.

"What's wrong Gwen?" I asked.

"Don't you feel it?" Arrows of light rain down from the sky. I raised a shield fast protecting us.

"Fallen angels."

"Paris you Tonya, Eugene, and Ryder handle the demons. Rest of us will handle the fallen." Graham ordered.

"Come on." I stared straight at the demons.

Two for one chapter deal for today. Enjoy. Sorry it's almost nine. I've been studying for finals, and I'm tired. High school is tough. I might be starting finals tomorrow in my computer class. Shoot me now.

And I'm a little heartbroken so I need time to heal from it. Actually it will make the next chapters way better. Not really in the mood for romance, and that sucks because I can't read any romance books. I'll get over it.

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Love, kisses, bye


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