Chapter 11♤

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Chapter 11

Paris Pov-

"Then who's your father?" Graham asked Gwen.    

"I don't know. My father left when I was two." I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"Enough of these questions. She doesn't know okay. Come on Gwen." I scoffed and glared at the Septem. Gwen latched on to my arm and to take her to her toom. "You don't have to answer any more question." She started to cry.

Her dad was a soft topic for her. She feels responsible for him leaving. I rubbed her back in soothing circles. How many nights have I stayed up with her as she cried?

"I'll go get our dinner," I say. I see her head move as I close the door back quietly. I see Raziel at the bottom of the stairwell looking up.

"Paris that was very rude leaving like that." Raziel scolded.

"Piss off. It's my job to protect Gwen from her father. You know who he is. Mother told me stories of him. So as long as he's alive I won't be having her hurt." I hit his shoulder and walked to the dining room. The Septem was seated at the table.

"Paris-" I cut Eugene off.

"Gwen father is Louis Vox." I answer." I knew what Eugene was going to ask. A gasp flew from Jewel's mouth.

"Louis Vox as in the murder?" She asked. I nodded.

"Gwen mother was raped by him. Since Pixie/Xenovian hybrids were rare he wanted one of his own." My mother voice filled the room.

"How come she didn't get rid of Gwen while she was in the womb?" Ryder asked. I gripped the back of the chair, my knuckles turning white. The chair snapped.

"Could you get rid of your own?" Mom asked. I grabbed our plates of food and walked out of the room.

"Don't talk to Gwen about her father. Don't even tell her about this talk. She doesn't know anything, and it's not our place to tell." I say as I walked out.

It was Gwen sixteenth birthday when I found out about her dad. Minus the whole hybrid thing. I overheard my mom and her mom Jen talking. Jen was crying. She said that some guy named Louis Vox wanted to take Gwen away from her. I stayed hidden in the shadows. I heard everything. I almost cried myself, but stopped and went back to Gwen.

"Gwen honey I've got food." I opened the door. Gwen was asleep. I placed her food on the table, and the closed the door quietly. For dinner, it was a roast beef sandwich and fries. That's all. I clapped my hands and two maids came. "Here I don't want my fries." I handed them the plate but took the sandwich.

It was almost time for my guard duty. We're having problems sleeping being kept up all night. Graham and I switch out times with Ariel and Jewels so they could get some sleep. I bit into the sandwich. I was just about to walk out the door when the door flew off its hinges.

I threw an electricity ball knocking the doors out of my way.

"Is anyone home?" That voice! It was him again.

"Well I'm sorry, but I'm far to busy to socialize," I answered.

"Isn't someone confident." I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Paris are you-" The Septem's eyes weren't from the door to the fallen angel.

"Yeah fine. Just taking out the trashing." I summoned my scythe.

"Someone has been practicing. And look she has guard dogs. I'm not after you. I'm after a certain pixie." Anger coursed through my veins. I saw mother and Raziel in the corner of my eyes. They were at the top of the stairs. Electricity went up the stairs and built a wall at the top. Mom and Raziel were soon gone.

"Sorry, but you're not getting to her," I smirked and attacked. He dodged my blade left and right and his wings hit my back.

"Oh, Paris if you wanted to come by then you could have just asked. His wings made me fall to the ground. I groaned and used my blade to cut up. Jewels stomped and the ground separated from us. "Oh, a Earth gift. Fun, but you have to do better."

Jewels summoned kusarigama. Two sickle gathered in her hands, with an iron chain connecting them. She threw one sickle, but he dodged to the side, so she pulled it back and catch it. Ryder two pistols appeared in his hand and he started shooting. Light bullets shot. Some of the bullets came towards me and I spun my scythe making the bullets bounce back.

He sent me an apologetic smile. I placed the head on the ground and flipped over the fallen angel. Ariel weapon formed into a two-ring sword. It looks like it had a diamond tipped blade, but it continued to iron. She ran and I could barely see her, she was as swift as a cheetah. If it wasn't for the sparks flying with her blades clashing.

"Sorry, but I'm done with this little tizzy." A black mist came out of our hands. Ariel jumped back, but the mist keeps coming. The mist touched Ariel and she screamed in agony. With it consuming her it came after us.

"Run!" Tonya yelled. The mist soon consumed Jewels, Ryder, and Toyna. Eugene, Graham, and I started to back up. The fallen angel was just laughing like a maniac. The mist reached just at our feet and an agonizing pain ran through me. I heard screams in the mist. The pain just ripped through.

"Paris I'm going to get your pixie friend and kill her. Just for her father." I heard the angel say. Tears pooled in my eyes. No, I couldn't let him hurt her.

"No, I won't let you!" I yelled. My heart beat faster. The pounding got louder and a magenta shield surrounded the Septem and I. The pain stopped and the mist was gone. I sat on one knee and the Septem looked around. "Get the fallen," I said.

I couldn't move from my spot. I was frozen. I could see Ariel and Jewels corner the angel. The angel turned into light. I fell on my stomach when the shield collapsed, my electricity wall dropped with it. Graham helped me up and let me lean on him.

"Paris I think you created the shield," Graham whispered. The Septem surrounded us.

"You did. None of us have psychic abilities. Pixies don't get gifts since they have magic. You were frozen in place. Your the only one that has a chance too." Eugene explained.

"Psychic gifts are harder to control. That's why you were frozen." Jewels said. I felt the room became dizzy.

"I don't feel-" The room went dark.

-Graham Pov-
"Paris!" We said in unison. I caught her body before she fell. I held her in bridal style.

"I'm going to take her to her room," I say as I start up the stairs. Before I made it halfway down the hall her mother and brother met me.

"I'll take her." Raziel took her from my arms and Eva lead me back downstairs.

"Paris is different from normal Xenovians. She shouldn't be able to have three gifts." I said.

"She's of royal blood though. The royal bloodline is different from your line." Eva's eyes narrowed at me as she turned her head.

"The fallen angel attacked us. They never get this close to the school. Paris heard something that made her psychic gift unlock. You need to talk to her." I said.

"I will." She answered.

Hey everyone. Fallen angel attacking again. This time after Gwen though. Paris has a new gift. The Septem think she's a bit weird. Eva acts like she knows something. Things aren't what they seem. Okay, challenge time. How about 5 votes on this chapter :)

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Love, kissed, bye

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