Epilogue ♤

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Unknown Pov-
"Open your eyes Arnett. We know your aren't dead." The girl sat up and stretched.

"Lord Gold how pleasant it is too see you again." Arnett said in a sleepy tone. I grabbed her hair and pulled her down.

"You wretched scum. I bring you back to life reborn as a fallen angel and you repay me by acting like a bitch. You are the dirt beneath my feet. You better kiss my feet for me keeping you alive." I yelled in fury. My spit hitting her in the face.

"Yes Lord Gold." She said in a meek tone. That's what I thought. What a worthless piece of trash. I throw her towards the wall, letting her yelp in pain.

-Paris Pov-

"I don't want to see this aunt of mine." I whined at the doors of the Septem house.

"You have to. She called an audience with you." Gwen spoke. She grabbed my hand and opened a portal. The others stood behind us.

"Goodluck with her." Graham waved as we stepped through.

The castle was huge. No humongous. It was a big piece of vanilla cake. It was completely white. Just a giant piece of marble. Angels statues are on every corner. Knights of Angelus stood posted everywhere. Gold trim columns held the thing in place. In the sky was a giant purple portal. Angels were flying in and out of it. They were holding scrolls, weapons, even fallen angels.

Gwen and I started walking up a stone brick stair case leading to the front door. Knights blocked out path the moment we got to the door.

"Name?" A guard said.

"Septem Paris Celia, and Genesis Lanier." I say.

"We're sorry princess please continue." They stepped out if the way and the doors opened. Knights stood all around the room. None dared to look at us. Angels turned and looked back. In the center sat her. She was in a red velvet chair trimmed in gold.

She was beautiful. Her beautiful hazel eyes looked me up and down. Her skin look super soft. Her bangs were pulled away from her face into many braids, leaving the rest of her brown hair flowing down. She wore a ocean blue dress that went to her ankles. A gold clasp on her shoulder to hold her long white cape in place. A light blue ribbon was tied around her waist into a bow.

Gwen pulled me forward. We could hear our heels click with each step.

"Your Majesty, Queen Arabella." Gwen bowed.

"Genesis, and Paris. What a pleasure it is to meet you all." She smiled. It was fake though. I read right through her.

"Hello Aunt Arabella." I didn't bother using titles. If we were going to really talk about, Arabella wouldn't be on the throne since I'm here.

"Gwen would you please go with my pixie friend here while I talk to Paris. Thank you." Gwen was guided out by the pixie. Leaving Arabella with me and a whole bunch of angels and guards.

"Why Queen Arabella she looks exactly like your brother and you." An old looking angel said.

"Quiet Mortimer. I do not see her fit to rule." The room gasp. I started to laugh.

"Honey this isn't how it works. Since I'm the daughter of the rightful king, I'm legally the queen. Your just keeping the throne warm." I said. The room gasp again.

"She has a point your Majesty. Her being your brother daughter gives her way more control over the kingdom then you do currently." Mortimer spoke again.

"Silence! She is not my brother daughter and I can prove that. If she was she would be able to...be able too." Arabella lost her thought.

"You mean she would have some form of the royal crest given to her." Mortimer spoke again.

"Ah yes. Do you have something that has the royal crest on it?" Arabella asked. I reach for the chain around my neck and pulled a ring with the crest on it.

"Given to me by my father before he left." I unclasp the necklace holding it out. Mortimer flew towards me and grabbed the necklace.

"Yes this is her father ring. I remember your father giving it to him my queen." Mortimer said. Arabella grasp tighten on the throne.

"Okay for now I will recognize you as my brother daughter. If you slip up in anyway your title will be taken from you. Bring in the pixie." Arable saod.

That little bitch will take my throne. I cannot let this happen.

Arabella smiled as Gwen walked in.

"Please have a safe trip back. Two Angelus guards escort them out." Arabella said. Two nights walked behind us till we were outside.

"Please let us go home Gwen. That woman gives off a weird vibe." I said. A portal opened in front of us. We quickly stepped through.

"That woman is really evil." I said as I walked in the dining room of the Septem house.

"Who Queen Arabella?" Ariel asked.

"Of course her. She hates that I have more claim to the throne than her. I don't trust her. I'm sure now that she's involved with the disappearance of my father." I say.

"Paris that's a serious accusation." Graham said.

"I know it is, but if you heard some of the things I was hearing you would think the same thing too."

"What are you going to do then?" Ryder asked.

"Well I'm going to find out if she really had something to do it, and then find him."

"We'll be behind you every step of the way Paris." Jewels smacked her gum.

Hello everybody. This is the final chapter of Moonstone. I know I'm sad too. I didn't think it would end so soon. I'm so happy how this book turn and and I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. Don't worry guys this isn't the end of Paris' journey.

Jade will be released soon. I'm going to start editing this book, and then get focused on Jade. I have other works coming up too. I'm going to be starting my Zodiac series soon. That's an 13 part story. Would you guys stay with me as I wrote it?

Well stay tuned for more of Paris and Co in Jade.

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Love, kisses, bye❤

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