Chapter 15♤

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Chapter 15

A/N This chapter is dedicated to starstogetherforever. She has helped me so much through this book and given me some of the ideas for the plot. I'm so proud of her and how far she come in her "Dear Bully" story. I thank her for coming up with Alika aka the fallen angel name. I'm glad I can call you my best friend.

Raziel watched from the shadows of all my battle classes. There wasn't a single class he missed. Everyone once in a while his thoughts crossed mine with a guard right, block center, change stance. My teacher Mr. Ebon notice him there every time my brows furrowed, or I lost balance.

"Septem Paris shower your done for the day." Mr. Ebon shouted over the various fights in the room. I sighed and walked to the girls lockerrooms. Upper classmen were already showering.

"Look what the cat dragged in. The Septem who beat Arnett ass." A girl laughs.

"Hey know your place. We're looking at an all mighty Septem who can't even take her brother watching her fight." Another said.

"Take that back. I've gotten my title as Septem fair and square. It's not my fault your weak bitches." My voice came out like venom. The girls eyes widen at my sudden phrase. Anger laced their eyes as they stare at me.

"Why you-" they were cut off by the sudden appearance of Toyna.

"Paris was twiddle dumb and twiddle dumber bothering you?" Toyna voice ran through the lockerrooms. Everyone stopped.

"No we weren't. We were making light conversation." A girl says.

"That's what I thought. Next time you want to try to bully a Septem you will have to face me. You girls might think your high and mighty, but you decided to pick on rank dou of the Septem." Toyna relays out. "Paris, we have to leave now." Toyna pulls my arms. I winced at the contact. Bruises were already forming up my arm from battle training class.

"Why?" I asked slightly pulling my arm from her grasped. Usually a pixie would come and get me if the Septem needed. Or a message would be sent over the com.

"Because we're going to Aquila." I could tell by the way she was standing she was nervous. Tonya usually stays neutral when we talk. Now she seems upset. Aquila was her home continent. Maybe that's why she was nervous?

"Again I ask, why?"

"Because Arnett family put out a mission. The Knight of Angelus won't go since the recent demon attack. So they have employed us to go. We start at Aquila to see if there's any clues. This is where you will help a lot. Your psychic gift should be able to pick up on memories or events that has happened."

"Aquila in the middle of the ocean though. How do we get there?" I asked.

"By our sweet Arcanum. She should know a teleported spell by now. Few of those magic words and bam. We're at Aquila."

Aquila was surrounded by a waterfall. The continent is down in Xenovian core. With it surrounded by the ocean it made the water dip down. I've seen pictures and it's a lovely place.

"Just get to the entrance. We need to leave in ten minutes." She walked off.

Something coiled in my stomach. Something bad was going to happen. I didn't know what, but I knew. Walking through the halls it got worst. Something terrible was going to happrn. Could we stop it?

-Unknown Pov-

"Arnett did you send out the fake mission?"

"Yes master as you requested." Her voice fills the casm. The demons and fallen shouts. We were leading the Septem to their end.

"Alika!" Master yelled.

"Yes master?" My voice silences the other fallen.

"Why don't you greet our guest when they get here." I nodded and flew off. A few of my black feathers fall to the ground. Paris Celia. The bane of my existence.

For my two hundred years of my life I was never assigned to anyone in my life. Then Paris was born. Since Paris is the bloody daughter of the king I was assigned her. Before I fell I was a high ranking demon. Eva knows who I am. She knows I was Paris ex guardian angel.

"Alika, don't disappoint me." Master voice rang through the casm.

-Paris Pov-
"So your telling me Arnett parents have finally filed a report for us to go and rescue her." I crossed my arms.

"That's what I though. Arnett's parents have disowned her. Why would they put out a mission?" Graham brows furrowed as he thought.

It didn't make sense. Arnett parents publicly disowned her yesterday. Graham thought it was a trap, but maybe disowning her was just a rouse.

"We can't think of this for too long. We have been given as a Septem. Not only that, but the Vasquez family has requested it." Ariel protested.

"She right we have to leave Graham. The Knights of Angelus are busy with a demon case. So we have to go." Graham looked at all of us. He knew we were skilled fighters. Gwen could hold her own with her spells.

"Fine let's go." He sighed. Gwen stood at the gates of the continents. The way to travel between the continents was to be in the summoning gates. Each gate was represented by the elemental symbol (multimedia water symbol)

"Open Aquila gate, travel between the waves and the frozen tundra." Gwen spread her arms and out came a blue burst. That burst formed into a misty blue door with the elemental symbol craved largely around the door. She grasped the handle and pulled it open. A light flashed and we were standing on the ground.

The water dipped around us, and many rainbows filled the skys. Seagulls flew around along with many different birds. In the distance you could see a snowy mountain, and snow falling in different patched.

"Welcome back Lady Toyna." Three men approached us. They all wore brown robes with a yellow sash around their waist. One had a bald head with glasses, next had long blonde hair tied back with a white ribbon, and last one had light blue hair with one side shaved.

"High priests. Take me to my father and make sure the Vasquez family is there waiting." Toyna spoke, her voice sounding almost regal.

"Of course my lady." The bald one spoke as the long hair one left.

"Please follow us Septem." The shaved head one said.

Hey everyone, so we find out the name of our fallen angel. It's pronounced a-lee-ka. And we find out Toyna is the lady of Aquila. Maybe that's the reason why she was nervous coming home.

Arnett has turned to the demon side. Calling someone master who you will find out about at the end of this book. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter.

And again another special thanks to starstogetherforever for helping me throughout this book.

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Love, kisses, bye


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