Chapter 12♤

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Chapter 12

-Paris Pov-
I woke up with a pounding headache. I remember the fallen angel and getting in his mist, but nothing else. Gwen walked into my room. A washcloth in her hand and a water bucket.

"Paris you're awake. Lay back down." Gwen set the water bucket aside and pushed my shoulders down.

"What happened?" I asked. She dipped the washcloth into the water and placed it on my forehead.

"You saved everyone with a psychic shield. You used up too much energy keeping the electrical wall and the shield up so you fainted. You've been out for about five hours." She explained. I sat up again and got off my bed.

"Gwen I have no time to relax. I've got to go." I whined. I tried to walk, but my legs turned to jelly and I almost fell. Gwen caught me and sat me down back on my bed.

"Psychic gifts take a tole on your body. You have to rest." Raziel appeared at the door. I threw a pillow at him and he caught it.

"I don't want to rest," I whined again.

"We thought you would say that. Here the doctor kindly gave you these energy tablets. It will speed up the healing process." Raziel threw the bottle on the bed. I grabbed in and took one. I felt some life return to me. Gwen helped me up. No jelly legs this time. I walk down the stairs.

"Paris wait," Gwen yelled.

"Gwen walk fast. I'm hungry." I said and walked into the kitchen. The staff bowed and went back to their work. I went into the pantry and got some crackers. The kitchen was nice. All updated alliances. Nice dark oak cabinets. Black granite counter tops, and a white tile mosaic. The black spruce floor lead into the kitchen. Islands were everywhere with different foods on them. The freezer door was in the back. A wine cabinet was in the corner, stocked with the best quality wine. I walked out of the kitchen to an angry Gwen.

I heard her nagging, but ignored it and ate my crackers.

"Paris are you listening to me!" Gwen yelled. I opened the door the living room. "Paris listen to me." The Septem looked at Gwen and me.

"Yes, Gwen." I breathed. The living room was painted cream, with a brown trim. The floor was a cream carpet. On the back wall sat a brown leather couch in a circular shape. An oak coffee table sat in the middle. On the other wall was a brick fireplace, and a sixty-inch plasma TV sat up it. Lights were in the ceiling on dim, and floating candles were around the wall. Brown curtains tied together keeping the sunlight out.

"I was saying that you need to be more careful about your body." She scolded. I sat in between Jewels and Toyna.

"Yes, mom." The room roared with laughter. Gwen's cheeks flushed and she sat at the end of the couch near Graham. "Awh come on G don't be mad. You were acting like my mother."

"Sorry for caring."

"Ah, a lover quarrel," Eugene said.

"Shut it." Gwen and I say in unison. The room snickered again. I saw Gwen looking at the door. Raziel was standing there staring at her. Raziel was thinking of Gwen naked.

"Raziel keep your horny fantasy to yourself. And get a whore to mess around with." I hissed. The Septem stared at me. Raziel jaw dropped. Gwen was blushing once again. "What?"

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