Chapter 14♤

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Chapter 14

"Mrs. Rosalia was always my least favorite teacher. She thinks just because your a freshman you can't do anything. We're the fucking Septem." Toyna starts to gossip. We were in the living room. Gwen and I were doing history homework. While Ryder was trying to summon two of his pistols.

"She was here during your father control over the Septem Paris." Graham.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. Rumor has it she fought your mother for the position of Uriel. When your mother fought Mrs. Rosalia she defeated her in five seconds. Mrs. Rosalia was humiliated and her family disowned her for loosing to a Sinclair. No offense." Jewels explained.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm from the Earth continent of Tartuas. While your mom is from the electricity continent of Laxus. You can put two and two together." Jewels points out.

"Five seconds how weak is Mrs. Rosalia?" Gwen asked.

"Your mom is one of the legendary disciplines. Mrs. Rosalia was lucky she passed the Academy." Eugene says.

"There's always the weakest link in the grades. Mrs. Rosalia was that one student." Ryder starts. I finish my homework and sigh.

"What about Mrs. Rosalia daughter. I think it was Janice. I know she's a pixie." Gwen stated.

"It's Juliana. She is and quite powerful." Eugene says.

"We thought that if someone was going to beat Layla, it would be her." Jewels smacks her gum.

"No offense Gwen." Graham says.

"No worries. Paris, mother told Danny that I left for boarding school." Gwen said.

"Why the hell would she say that? Couldn't she just tell him the truth?" I question.

"She said she doesn't want Danny to be involved in Xenovian affairs." She answered.

"Who's Danny?" Ryder asked.

"My older brother. While I'm half Pixie half Xenovian. Danny is Half human half pixie. He doesn't have any pixie abilities." Gwen explained.

"Human DNA tends to take over more than pixie." Ariel says.

"I don't mind. I'd rather not have my brother breathing down my neck every minute of the day." Gwen hisses. Her thoughts appeared in my mind of the last time she was with Danny. They were talking about me. She was sad.

"Gwen don't be sad. It's better that Danny isn't here. He was a sissy boy. He couldn't handle demons and pixie powers." I hugged her.

"Who told I was sad?"

"Psychic." I say.

"Ah so her gift is advancing." Toyna states.

"It's not like it would only stay within family. She's of fucking royal blood. All her gifts will advance." Ryder sighs and stops trying to summon another pistol.

"Don't give up Ryder. It just takes time." Graham said.

"You have two broadswords, which are harder to keep out, when I have a pistol which is easy to summon." Ryder complains.

"It gets easier after a few months." Ariel says.

"Paris come on. You have shield training." Ariel smiled. I grunted and lifted myself out of my comfortable position.

Hey everybody, just a short little Chapter here. I finally got out of my house. The snow melting. I'm pretty sure I will be going back to school tomorrow. Next chapter will be longer.

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Love, kisses, bye


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