Chapter 10♤

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Chapter 10

-Gwen Pov-

"Genesis please show your freshmen class how to minimize properly." Ms. Cavanaugh asked. 

Ms. Cavanaugh was the pixie spells, teacher. She was the only one too. She is an elderly woman with gray hair, with streaks of sliver in her neatly pulled back bun. She wore a long pink paisley print dress, with a ruffle neckline. A black cane grasps firmly in her hand.     

I nodded and stood up quickly. The students glare at me. I took a deep breath and felt my body taking on a new form. Before I knew it I was floating in a tiny form. Ms. Cavanaugh started to clap like a maniac.

"Bravo. You're a natural. Bravo. You bring tears to my eyes. You might even become our new Arcanum." Ms. Cavanaugh praised. I blushed slightly and returned to my sized.

"Thank you, Ms. Cavanaugh," I say.

All pixies report to the stadium. Let the Carnival begin.

It came out over the intercom. Everyone rushed out of the room. Ms. Cavanaugh gave me a good luck pat and sent me on my way. As we entered the stadium, students were cheering for Layla. I look at see the Septem standing around the whole stadium. They were still on high alert.

My eyes locked with Paris and she gives me a good luck wink before she rotated with Eugene.

Pixies started fighting immediately. I minimize and fly to the side. I watch the fights go down till someone brings me down. I get up and use my ice spell on the girls. Pixies that were already down were brought out by the teachers gifts. Magic essence appears in the air. It was moving towards Layla. She had a group of students unconscious surrounding her. Others were prepare to attack her.

My freshmen class was focusing attacking me. As I take another pixie down I'm knocked into the side wall. I see Luna smirking at me.

"Watch out next time Ms. teacher pet." She mocked me. I stomp the ground as magic essence gathers around me. I was angry at her mocking me. I thought she was my friend.

"Della tonoa!" I chanted. Luna fell to the ground out of breath. That spell takes all the oxygen out of your lunges. She was brought out of the arena by a water stream. I look around and noticed that I'm the only freshmen left. Juniors and sophomores saw me as easy picking.

"Uni retory." I chanted and turned invisible. Minimizing in the process. The sophomores turned to the juniors and I flew towards Layla. The Sophomores were almost defeated. What's left of them was fighting the juniors. While the seniors turned back to Layla. It was pointless fighting her as she just knock them out with one blow. She turns to the remaining juniors, seniors, sophomore, S2(third years), and J2(fifth years). She took them out in one hit. The crowd chanted her name thinking she won, but I returned to my normal size and became visible. The crowd became shocked seeing me.

"So you survived," Layla said. She smirked. "Not for long." She attacks me with a spell, but I raised my shield in time.

"We're just getting started," I said. The magic essence gathered around Layla.

"Dionata!" I chanted. Water surround my hands and I push it towards her. It freezes as soon as it touches her. The ice cracks as fire surrounds her. Balls of light surround her as she pushes it towards me. I create a shield, but they fly right through it. I fly back and hit the wall.

With no time to relax and roll to the right. "Henda!" A earth wall separates us. The wall didn't work so well as the light balls fly through. I put my hand up and I catch one. It forms into a bow and arrow. The crowd gasps. This was a light weapon.

I pull the bow string back as a electrical arrow flies through the air. It splits into multiple arrows and hits Layla. I pull the string back and release a regular arrow. It splits once again and one hits Layla in the stomach. Blood flows from the wound as she is rushed out of the arena.

I had won. How was it possible that I had a light weapon. My head started to spin as I use the wall as support. The crowds chant my name.

Freshman Genesis Lanier has won?

The announcer sounded confused. I see the Septem slide down the side of the arena. Paris cross the arena and holds me up. I put my arm over her shoulder, and she puts her hand on my waist. Ariel comes to my other side putting my other arm around her shoulder.

"She has a concussion, but she should be fine." Graham looks at my eyes. "Let's take her to the house and get her fixed up. Then let's see if it's possible for a pixie to have a light weapon."

"She isn't full pixie, she's half Xenovian." I held Paris say before I blacked out.

I groaned and my eyes flew open. I tried setting up, but a tube blocked me.

"She's awake," Paris yelled, though it came out as a mumble. The doctors opened the tube and released the restraints. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, but my head hurts really bad." I rubbed my temples.

"Gwen you won. You're the Arcanum. You get to move in with me, and be apart of the leaders of the school." Paris says while she hugs me.

"Paris give the girl room to breath." A male voice said.

"Raziel what are you doing here?" I asked.

"No reason. Just came with my sister." He answered, not looking in my eyes once. Paris glared at him, and helped me up.

"Your whole left side was burned from the light balls. Be more careful next time. Next thing, your ability to use a light weapon is strange. No pixie has ever been able to use one." Raziel says.

"Remember she's half pixie though." Paris reminded him.

"Still doesn't matter. Her pixie DNA should have started taken over her Xenovian side. The doctors took a closer took at her blood cells and it shows that her pixie side and Zenovian side at a stand still." Raziel argued with his sister.

"Why should I care. If I became full pixie I'm fine. If I become full Xenovian it doesn't matter." I stopped their argument.

"Let's get you to the Septem house. They are eagerly waiting for you." Paris says.

This is one of the parts I've been waiting for. Gwen has a light weapon. She is half Xenovian so it is possible. They're aren't many pixie/Xenovian hybrids around. So the possibilities with Gwen are endless.

But this story isn't in her view. I have decided to do a spin-off on Gwen. This story is complete of Paris origins. This part was too important not to be in this book.

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Love, kisses, bye

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