24: How Could You? Part 1

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Extremely important author note at the end please please please read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Hey, Ian, can you get Y/N a drink?" Shawn calls over to him from our table. I hide my face, embarrassed.

"No, Shawn, please, I don't want it." I mumble. He gives me a confused look.

"Shawn, can we talk? Outside?" I motion to the door to the fire escape. He rolls his eyes and follows me. I pull open the heavy door and stand and wait as Shawn shuts the door behind us.

"What? What is so important that you had to interrupt my party?" He asks rudely.

"Okay first of all, you're drunk. Second of all-"

"I'm not drunk. You can ask Ian." He cuts me off. I can see the anger in his eyes.

"Cut the horrible attitude. What is your problem?"

"Okay, who peed in your breakfast? Why didn't you want the drink?"

"I asked you a question first."

"Okay, I have so much stress on top of me right now. I have a crap ton to do and I haven't had a chance to do it. Now answer my question." He leans against the railing trying to act like he is calm, but I can still see the rage in his eyes. He's never acted like this before.

"Okay, um, here goes nothing. I'm pregnant." I sigh. He recoils and gives me an evil glare, and the next thing I know, there is a stinging sensation in my cheek. He hit me.

Tears well up in my eyes as I stumble backwards.

"You cheating slut! There is no way he's mine!" He yells. I must have underestimated the room I have to cower away from his rage, and I end up tripping backwards down the stairs. I scream as I end up at the bottom of the stairs. Everything aches.

"Oh crap, Y/N, I am so sorry." Shawn's voice comes from right beside me. I open my eyes.

"Get away from me. I'll have you know that I got a DNA test done. He is yours." I try to scoot away, but an extremely sharp pain in my stomach stops me. I scream again.

"Oh my gosh, there is so much blood. What have I done? Let me get you to a hospital." He grabs my arm and helps me up. I'm bleeding. I don't fight him. In fact, I want him to bring me to the hospital. I think I- Everything makes sense now.

"Oh my gosh, Shawn, I just lost the baby." I sob. He pulls his keys out of his pocket, pauses to rub his eyes, then continues to help me to the car.

"I'm going to get blood on your seats, Shawn." I mumble through my tears as he opens the car door for me. I may not like him right now, but I have some decency.

"That's the least of my worries." He retorts. I fall into the seat with another sharp pain in my stomach. I look down at my lap. Shawn wasn't kidding. Blood is literally everywhere, making me dizzy. I've never been the best with blood and all that jazz. Another scream escapes my lips as yet another sharp pain makes me want to rip my stomach out. Shawn's foot becomes lead on the gas pedal, blowing past every stop
sign and red light there is. In no time, we are pulling into the hospital parking lot.

"Stay put, baby." Shawn instructs.

"Don't you dare call me that again." I growl. He sighs and climbs out of the car. Tears never stop pouring out onto my cheeks at the loss of our- my little baby. After about a minute, Shawn opens the passenger side door with a wheel chair.

"How could you?" I cry.


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Okay so I don't like the end of most of my imagines. I feel like they have like no closure. Soooooo... I had the idea to take all of my imagines, every 25 or so, and pretty much "recreate" the end or tell y'all what is going on a couple years later. This special little thing will come not next week, but the week after on Wednesday! Vote, comment, and share! And request if you want one by messaging me!

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