22: Ultimate Frisbee

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Y/N's POV:

"Shawn, and Alex, you two are team captains. Shawn, you are blue, Alex is red. We will rock paper scissors to see who gets first choice." Coach Willison says loudly. I lick my lips. Why did they have to put the schools two "it boys" as captains? They are literally only going to pick their friends. And then make some girl like me feel like crap when we are picked last on their teams. My friends weren't kidding. Clearly, nothing good can ever come out of ultimate frisbee.

"Okay, Alex, first pick."

"Jenna." Alex replies instantly. Of course, the best sports player in our gym class and the literal goddess of the school. Its amazing how every day I seem to hate my gym class even more.

"Y/N." Shawn's voice sounds kind of quiet compared to Alex's loud, confident voice.

Every single person in the room has their eyes fixated on me as I snap my head up in surprise. Sure, I may play volleyball, but that won't help me in frisbee. I shyly make my way up to stand next to his tall towering figure. As if a switch was turned on, the class erupts into whispers and murmurs of disapproval and gossip.

"If you all don't shut up right now, I will take away this game and you will have run ten laps and write a three page essay on the sport of frisbee. Alex, make your next pick." The coach's voice booms through the gym, and every body stops.

"Okay, uh, Kaytlyn." Alex continues, glancing over at me.

"Jason." Shawn rubs the back of his neck. Slowly, the group is down to the last two, and right after they are separated into our groups, we walk out to the grassy field in the middle of the running track. I take a second to gather all of the courage in my body, then turn towards Shawn.

"Okay, what kind of sick joke is this, Mendes? Who paid you?" I place my hands on my hips after adjusting my uncomfortable volleyball spandex.

"I knew that was coming, and I totally deserve that, considering what I've done in the past. But I really, honestly-"

"Shawn, Alex, get to the starting lines. Blue and red in your areas." Coach Willison blows his annoying whistle. Shawn sighs and turns away, going where the coach directs him.

Alex takes the frisbee from Coach and at the sound of his whistle throws it across the field.

"Ultimate." He yells as it leaves his hand. A frenzy of people runs up behind me to prepare to catch the flying disc, but it was perfectly directed at Shawn, who catches it flawlessly. Matt runs out to a position where Shawn can easily toss him the frisbee, but before he can grab it, he is shoved aside by Alex, who makes the perfect catch, falling on top of Matt.

"Alex, over here!" Jenna yells. Without any hesitation, Alex throws the disc. Surprisingly, Jenna trips over an unseen rock or something, but like a well oiled machine, Carson steps up from behind her to take the pass. I swear, nothing goes wrong when Jenna is on a team. Everybody could have a broken leg, have to play a soccer game, and win, just as long as Jenna was there.

Forty-five minutes later, the coach blows the final whistle, and the game ends. Red won, no surprise.

"Hey, Y/N, can I please finish explaining from earlier?" Shawn makes me jump. I was expecting him to walk back to the gym with Alex and Matt, who seem to be always by his side.

"Sure. But just in case you forgot, I was asking you who paid you to pick me first." I remind. I still want a straight up answer.

"Carson." He sighs.

"Exactly my point. Please, just leave me alone."

"No, wait, I don't want his money this time. On second thought, you're actually a really great player, and I'm glad I picked you for my team."

"Oh, wow. Who paid you to say that?"

"No one. Can you stop letting my past of being an irresponsible jerk change who I am to you? I want to be different, Y/N." He grabs my arm, taking me aback.

"So what, Shawn? You want me to take everything you've ever done to me and my friends and just forget it? Do you not understand that you put Ari through hell?"

"Yes, okay! I get it, I was a jerk to her. But I am asking you to forget that 'me'. I want to maybe go out to dinner with you or something."

"Oh, wait. Now you're asking me out. Smooth Shawn. I'm not falling for your crap, okay?" I reply with a sarcastic laugh. The next thing I know, his lips are against mine, and even though I could easily just shove him off, I don't. I simply kiss him back. I've fallen under his spell.

"Love birds, lets go. The bell just rang." The coaches loud voice makes up separate.

"Okay, I'll see you Friday at 5." He smiles.

My friends were wrong. Something good can come out of ultimate frisbee.


Hey! So I am back on my regular schedule of updating on Tuesdays and Thursdays, cause I'm running out of ideas! I am taking off though for the holidays, and I won't be back until January 5th cause that's the Tuesday school starts back!

I hope you enjoyed this final imagine for the rest of 2015. Oh my heavens, 2016 is literally just around the corner! Anyways, vote, comment, and share! See you next year my lovelies!

No wait, I lied I'm not done! Maybe, just maybe, can we reach 550 reads before I come back? Share this with at least on friend! And vote so maybe we can get a ranking on fanfics for Shawn!! That's it, I promise!

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