63: Divorce (Request)

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This is for my friend, StahpBruh one of the most chill and weird people on here😏. I hope you like it girly!

Loria's POV:

"Shawn, can you please pick that up?" I complain as he walks past one of the baby's toys.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks coldly.

"I don't know, maybe I'm stressed out because I have a new baby that I'm trying to breast feed and a six year old that has t-ball every afternoon. Shawn, I need your help around the house!" I begin to raise my voice as I rock our new baby in my arms.

"You're not completely helpless, Loria! You can still drive! You can still pick up toys!" He raises his voice too.

"Yes but I'm exhausted! I can't do everything by myself! You barely do anything around the house! Sure, you may occasionally do something, but I can't carry everything!" I'm full on yelling at this point.

"Oh my gosh! I don't do anything? Loria, my salary is what is supporting this family!"

"Obviously! Gosh Shawn! All I asked you to do was pick up a baby toy! What the heck happened?" I scream. Our little girl in my arms begins to cry as I push myself off the couch.

"Maybe I'm sick and tired of you being on my back constantly!"

"Fine! I'll get off your back! Just sign the divorce papers and I'll leave you alone." Tears begin to brim in my eyes. Shawn's face softens and he takes a couple steps, reaching out to take my arm lightly. I pull away and begin to bounce the baby in my arms to try and calm her down.

"Mommy? Daddy?" The sound of our sweet six year old's voice comes from the entry to the living room.

"Carter, hi." Shawn says quietly.

"Are you two going to get a divorce like Kyle's mommy and daddy?" He whimpers, his lower lip shaking as he holds back tears.

"No baby, no. Mommy is just mad at daddy right now, but everything will be okay. Why don't you go and put on your t-ball outfit, then daddy will bring you to your game, okay?" I say soothingly, although I'm holding back tears myself. Carter nods and turns away, shuffling his feet towards the stairs.

"Look, Shawn, all I'm asking for is some help here. I don't want a million bucks, just some help. And a foot massage would be nice to." My voice cracks as I look down at the baby who is now grasping at the top of my shirt.

"I get it. I'm so sorry, baby. I love you more than anything, and I swear I will do more work around the house. Please don't ever bring up divorce again." He pleads, pulling me into a hug. I breath in his familiar muskiness.

"Okay, never again. I promise. I love you, Shawn."

"And I love you more, Y/N."


Hey guys. I hope you liked it, Loria! I really enjoyed writing it! I love you guys. You all will forever be my Rice Krispies! I ended up canceling my YouNow due to family stuff, but I promise I'll do one within the next seven days! More info later!

QOTD: Favorite food?

AOTD: It's this freaking BOMB spicy cheese stuff... I mean like I am majorly addicted... just saying

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