I'm In Love With Him

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From the start, it's me who always chasing him. I always staring at him. I take care of him as if he's a part of me. I like his face, his innocence, his smile, his bunny teeth. Everything about him is beautiful. I'm happy whenever he's with me, playing with me, practicing our dance with me. That's when i conclude that I'm in-love with our youngest member. At first I just adore him, like a brotherly love, but as time pass by my feeling towards him grow and it scared me to death. What if he doesn't like me? What our fans will think about it? The other members? The management? The people around me? Thinking what other people might think about it when they knew is killing me.

I remember the time when I slipped. I told him that I like him and I'm going crazy thinking about him. And I did that in front of the camera!! Good thing some people think I was just messing with him. But what I didn't expecting was many of our fans actually liked it. It's a good thing for me cause I can show my affection even in front of other people. The other members think I'm just messing around, the management think it's a fan service.

Then, there's him. He's always rejecting me. Acting like he's disgusted by my actions. He always tease me, disrespect me, even saying harsh words sometimes. I was hurt at first, but I thought maybe he's just doing that for our fans. The tragic one sided love that we always portraying.

I noticed that he's closer now with our second youngest, Taehyung. They're always playing, laughing with each other, and seeing those moments of them bring tears to my eyes. But as I am Jimin, who's always laughing and smiling, I can't even frown in front of them. I don't want to confuse anyone by my actions so I just smile while hurting inside.

"Yahh!! Jiminnie!!" Jimin came back to reality as he heard Jin screamed his name. "Are you even listening to me?" he said in an annoyed tone.

"Ne? Come again hyung? Sorry. I was just thinking of something." Jimin answered, smiling brightly just to ease his hyung's anger.

Jin's expression went from angry to worried. "Aysshh! I said that we're ready to film. Let's go. What is wrong with you today? Are you sick? Is there something bothering you?"

The younger male just smile and run towards the other members screaming "Jungkookie!!!!!"

Jin just scratch his head while looking at his dongsaeng running like a child "This kid."

And that's it. It is my first time writing a story in english. So sorry!!

It's also my first time writing a fan fiction and a love story so please don't be rude. Hahahaha. I cringe a lot while typing those and it's not even cheesy yet. Haish! I just fell in love with Park Jimin that's why.

I'll do better next time. There is always room for IMPROVEMENT right?

Okay that's all thank you. ;p

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